Module 1 Flashcards
Operating system
- provide user interface
- provide security
- manage soft/hard ware
Specific instructions given to a computer so that it performs its tasks
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Allows the user to interact with the softwar and operating system
A collection of data or information stored on a computer under a single name.
Data or information or progress kept volatiley
Permanently storing data or information onto the computer or an external storage
Touch typing
Typing without looking at the keyboard
System Software
Controls, supports, and operates the the computer. This is software that the computer cannot function without
Application Software
This is software that adds to the mulit-purposeness of the computer, but the computer doesnt need them to operate
Spreadsheet, Word processor, Database, Web Browser, Office Suite
Dialog box
A small window that pops up on the screen that allows communication between the user and the computer, sometimes as a warning, notification, or messages.
Programs that provide useful add-ons to the computer
F1- Opens help tab
Esc- get out of options
PrtSc- takes a screenshot
Ctr S- Save
Windows key E- Explorer
Sockets to connect peripherals
Most common is USB
For extra USB ports you can get a USB hub
When you connect a peripheral and the OS automatically prepares to use it
Wireless devices
Use short radio wave transmissions(Bluetooth)
Advantages of wireless devices
- No clutter around work space
- Wide range of movement
Disadvantage to wireless devices
- Connection is at a limited range
- Usually more expensive
- Susceptible to interference
- Easy to steal
Measured diagonally in inches
Measured horizontally and vertically in pixels
Response time
How long it takes for a pixel to change from one colour to the next measured in milliseconds
Connection of monitors
Used to only connect via VGA, now can connect HDMI, Thunderbolt, USB, DisplayPort
- Spray dots of ink onto paper
- Use ink cartridge
- Slower
- More expensive in the long run
- Uses toner isntead of ink
- Faster
- Cheaper in the long run but more expensive to buy
Difference between storage medium and storage device
The actual physical object that the data is stored is called the storage medium, the storage device is what reads/writes to the storage media
Storage capacities
- Kilobyte - 1024 bytes
- megabyt- 1024 kilobytes
- gigabyte - 1024 megabytes
- terabyte -1024 gigabytes
Hard drives
Stores data as magnetic patterns on the surface of a disk`
Repetitive Strain Injury
Injury from doing an action too fast and often like typing
How to avoid RSI
- Have proper posture
- Use ergonomics
- Make sure there is proper air circulation
- Adjust your chair so it is leveled with your desk
- Adjust the lighting accordingly
- Take breaks
Green computing
- Avoid wasting paper
- Switch off devices that rent being used
- Recycle finished materials like ink cartridges
- Resell or reuse hardware isntead of throwing it away
File Explorer
Help manage and group our files in a logical manner
Planning a logical folder structure
- Plan what you want it to look like
- Think of the root folder then add subfolders
- Refine each level
- Choose meaningful names
File names
- Name given by user
- Dot or fullstop
- File Extension
File extension
Indicates what kind of file it is and lets the OS know what program is needed to open that file
Is used to view the sequence that led to the file that is opened.
Each folder is seperated with a backslash.
Types of file extensions
audio, video, office, program, portable document format, compressed, gra
Audio- mp3
Video- mp4
Office- docx
Program- exe, .com
Portable document fromat- pdf
compressed- zip, rar
graphics- jpeg, gif
Two types of computer devices
- General-purpose computer
- Dedicated devices
General-purpose computers
- Always have an OS
- Always multi-purposeful
- Smartphones, laptops, desktop, servers
Laptops, tablets, smartphones, notebooks
- Designed to use little energy (battery powered)
- Portable
- Keyboard and monitor are bulit in
- Can be expensive to upgrade
Provide resources for other computers in a network
Dedicated devices
Only perform one specific task
* Music players
* ATM machines
* Microwave
Infromation Communication Technology
Any hardware or software that is needed to process and exchange data/information
ICT System
- When hardware, software, data, processing, people combine to communicate, collect, store, process, or retrieve data
- You/the system collect data to have it processed’ stored/communicated immediately
- Data can be sent for processing while its being collected/ retrieved from storage / communicated
- Information is then displayed, stored, or communicated further
Crimes using ICT
- Piracy
- Identity theft
- Theft of data
- Creation of malware
- Spreading lies
Integrated Software
- Software that uses similar interface, shortcuts, dialog boxes, menus, etc and can usually share and communicate data with one another
End User License Agreement
Proprietary License
A license that prevents a user from changing or distributing software, it may only be used under certain conditions
Single user license
Can only be installed once on one computer
Site/Volume License
When a license is bougth to be installed into multiple computer within an organisation or company
Is cheaper than a single user on its own but when being installed into multple computers, its cheaper
Software that can be used and distributed for free wthout limitations
- Software that can be used for a certain amount of time before it has to be paid for
- The free version might have less features than the paid for version
- Software will stop working once youve reached the period
Open Source Software
- Software that can be altered, distributed and modified but may not be sold
- Linux
Cons to OSS
- No quality or workability guarentee
- Downloads are very large
- Is not widely used
- Support and documentation is not easily accessible1
Compressing files
- Compressing a file/multiple files so they take up less space
- Compressing a file is called zipping
- Can decompress by unzipping
Backing up
Making a copy of your files incase
* Your files get corrupted
* Your storage medium fails
* Your device gets stolen
* Your files get accidentally deleted
Allows your computer to communiacate with hardware
Pointing devices
- Touch pad
- Mouse
- Pen input device/ Stylus
- Touch screen
- Trackball
- Accelerometer- detects movement and changes screen orientation accordingly
- Light sensor- adjusts the brightness of the screen according to your surroundings
- Tempereature sensors- switches itself off when it is in dangerous temperatures
- Electronic compass- shows what direction the device is pointed
Character recognition
- OMR(Optival mark recognition) - Computerised tests
- MICR(Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) - Bank cheques that havee number imprinited with magnetic ink
- OCR(Optical Character recognition)- Scans an image for characters that is recognised and cretates a text document of what it recognised
Using software to copy content from CDs and DVDs
CD, DVD, Blueray
- CD- 700MB
- DVD- 8.5GB
- Blueray- 50GB
optical drives- drives that use laser lights to r
How ICT impacts our lives
- Education:
- Leisure:
- Home office:
- Communication:
Advantages of networks
- Fast and efficient communication
- Sharing of hardware
- Sharing of files
- Flexible access
- Leisure
- Increased control and security