Mods5 Flashcards
Developing flexibility in career planning requires a sense of purpose, problem
solving skills, and several plans.
Developing Multiple Plans.
In order to better package one’s self and become marketable, there is a need
to develop communication skills, self-confidence, organizational adaptability, and effectiveness in human
Self-Advocacy and Marketing.
The emotional and social changes adolescents experience can challenge
young people as they try to cope with barriers in the education system and labor market.
Managing Changing Relationships.
These needs include having a sense of meaning in life, physical and emotional security,
and basic structure in relationships and living.
Meeting Basic Needs.
________ is associated with various competencies such as organizational
adaptability, human relations, problem solving, and self-confidence. Particular strategies for stress
management include relaxation techniques, managing ‘self-talk,’ focusing, and using support systems.
Coping with Stress.
Many young people lack “hands-on” experience as they attempt to enter the world of
Bridging Programs.
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Rule and limit testing is part of the ethics and self-direction among adolescents at this
Experimentation with the body to include masturbation is part of one’s expression of
Capacities for tender and sensual love becomes manifest during this stage.
One’s movement toward independence includes strong emphasis on the peer group.
Ability to make independent decisions and self-reliance are clear behavioral patterns at
this stage.
Shyness, blushing and modesty happen as expressions of sexuality.
Intellectual interests gain importance at this time.
Here one realizes that their parents are not perfect.
Frequently changing relationship is defined at this stage.
This time an adolescent struggle with the sense of identity.
This is to develop among the youth work experience and cooperative education programs to
acquire the necessary experience.
Bridging Programs
Young people need to establish a sense of purpose and understand how they are meeting their
current and future needs.
Meeting Basic Needs
Included here are relaxation techniques, managing ‘self-talk,’ focusing, and using support systems
for the young to learn competencies such as organizational adaptability, human relations, problem
solving, and self-confidence.
Coping with Stress
Coping with relationship issues can be facilitated through communication, human relationship training, and problem solving.
Managing Changing Relationships
Strategies within this domain include helping young people develop research, interviewing, and
critical analytic skills.
Information and Informational Access