Modi Di Dire Flashcards
Tirare la somma
Sun it up
Perlina magica
Magic pearl “Like a
Chi se ne frega
Who cares
a caval donato non si guarda in bocca
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
Carlees an airhead
devi fare le cose con calma.
You need to take things slowly
Resta poco da fare
There is little left to do
Chi va a Roma, perde la poltrona
Those who go to Rome, lose their seat…. Basically meaning you miss every opportunity don’t take? Or possibly just that when you leave a spot it won’t be yours when you return
Chi dorme, non pelle pesce
Those who sleep, do not catch fish….”the early bird catches the worm”
Chi rompa, paga
Break it you buy it
Chi trova un amico, trova un treasuro
Find a friend, you find a treasure
Chi la fa, l’aspetti
What goes around, comes around
Chi non risica, non rosica
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Chi tace, ha acconsente
Whoever remains silent, gives consent