Modern Spanish Syntax: Recap Flashcards
I doubt he will study medicine
Dudo que estudie medicina
He was certain that she was understanding
Estaba seguro de que era comprensiva
There were rumors that he would resign soon
Se decía que pronto renunciaría
He was touched by the fact that she was so understanding
Estaba emocionado de que fuera tan comprensiva
It was certain that by the next day they would have finished
Era seguro que para el día siguiente habrían terminado
I could not believe he had been a very able administrator
No podía creer que hubiera sido un administrador muy hábil
They have lunch together every day
Almeurzan juntos todos los días
It is doubtful that he will be fired
Es dudoso que lo echen
It is incredible that these days so many people should be laid off
Parece mentira que estos días despidan a tanta gente
I have told her to return
Le he dicho que regrese
I would tell him that she is coming but I don’t dare to
Yo le diría que ella viene pero no me atrevo
It would be better not to tell him that she is coming
Sería mejor que le digas que viene
I suggested that she write him today
Le sugerí que le escriba hoy
I will leave after he arrives
Salgo/saldré después que el llegue
It was admirable that he should have been devoted to his family
Era admirable that he should have been devoted to his family