Modern Spanish Syntax: Chapter 13 Flashcards
Her brother is a good person
Su hermano es una buena persona
This boy is a splendid type
Este chico tiene un tipo espléndido
Her husband is an angel
Su marido es un ángel
This man is the victim
Este señor es la víctima
The male panther
La pantera macho
The plane cruises through the air
El avión cruza por el aire (=los aires)
*may occur as count or mass noun
I cannot stand the winter’s chilliness
No resisto el frío invernal (=los fríos invernales)
*may occur as count or mass noun
I prefer the summer heat
Prefiero el calor (=los calores) de verano
Brazil produces coffee
El Brazil produce café
We drank two coffees
Nos tomamos dos cafés
a can of sand
una lata de arena
*singular = mass noun
a can of beans
una lata de frijoles
*plural = count noun
a pound of rice
una libra de arroz
*singular = mass noun
a pound of grapes
una libra de uvas
*plural = count noun
a cup of tea
una taza de té
*singular = mass noun
a cup of nuts
una taza de nueces
*plural = count noun
a bowl of soup
una fuente de sopa
*singular = mass noun
a bowl of fruits
una fuente de frutas
*plural = count noun
two pieces of gauze (2)
dos pedazos de gaza
dos gazas
*mass = count constructions
two cloves of garlic (2)
dos cabezas de ajo
dos ajos
*mass = count constructions
two wads of cotton (2)
dos motas de algodón
dos algodones
*mass = count constructions
two heads of cabbage (2)
dos cabezas de repollo
dos repollo
*mass = count constructions
two bars of soap (2)
dos panes de jabón
dos jabones
*mass = count constructions
two pieces of wood (2)
dos trozos de madera
dos maderas
*mass = count constructions
Milk is the best source for calcium
La leche es la mejor fuente de calcio
*mass nouns as subjects occur with definite article
Freedom is a human right
La libertad es un derecho humano
*mass nouns as subjects occur with definite article
The child wants the milk
El niño quiere la leche
*specifying mass noun as object with definite article
The slaves want freedom
Los esclavos quieren la libertad
*specifying mass noun as object with definite article
The child wants milk
El niño quiere leche
*for indefinite quantity omit the article in object
Ricardo found a job in New York
*as count noun
Ricardo consiguió un trabajo en Nueva York
*indefinite article before object means count noun
Do you have a pen?
*as count noun
¿Tienes una pluma?
*indefinite article before object means count noun
Did you find a job?
*as mass noun
¿Conseguiste trabajo?
*omit the article for mass noun
Do you have a pen?
*as mass noun
¿Tienes pluma?
*omit the article for mass noun
The professor with his students will take a trip
El profesor con sus alumnos harán una excursión
You and the professor will leave (II) early
Tú y el profesor saldrán temprano
The rest of the class and I will follow later
El resto de la clase y yo seguiremos después
A multitude of people was running desperately
Una multitud corrían desesperados
*quantity subjects as plural
A bunch of people invaded the offices
Un montón invadieron las oficinas
*quantity subjects as plural
An enormous amount got lost
Una cantidad enorme se perdieron
*quantity subjects as plural
A portion of his friends defend him
Una porción de amigos suyos lo defienden
*quantity subjects as plural
A thousand birds emigrate each year
Un millar de pájaro emigran cada año
*quantity subjects as plural
A large number of persons found themselves without a job
Infinidad de personas quedaron sin trabajo
*quantity subjects as plural
The people gathered in the park, but as it began to rain, they scattered away
La gente se reunió en la plaza, pero al comenzar a llover se dispersaron
*collective nouns as plural
His intelligence, capabilities, and persistence contributed to his professional success
Su inteligencia, capacidad y persistencia contribuyó a su éxito profesional
*subjects of 2 or more singular nouns expressing related ideas take verb in singular
Hunger, illness, and poverty were all over the country after the war
El hambre, las enfermedades y la pobreza cundían por todo el país después de la guerra
*subjects of 2 or more singular nouns expressing related ideas take verb in singular
He doesn’t like the room or the board
Ni el alojamiento ni la comida le gusta
The government deported the criminals
El gobierno deportó a los criminales
He learned many useful things
Aprendió muchas cosas útiles
The committee sent the recommendation to the Senate
El comité envió la recomendación al Senado
We will call him from my house
Lo llamaremos desde mi casa
We will get up to the park
Llegaremos hasta la plaza
I met my girlfriend toward the end of spring
Conocí a mi novia hacia fines de primavera
We will travel to the United States by airplane
Viajaremos a los Estados Unidos por avión
We opened the door with a knife
Abrimos la puerta con un cuchillo
This girl is very kind
Esta muchacha es muy amable
This girl is very kind with children
Esta muchacha es muy amable con los niños
She is a very capable person
Es una persona muy capaz
She is a very capable person for work and study
Es una persona muy capaz para el trabajo y el estudio
She is a slender woman
Es una mujer delgada
She is a woman with a slender body
Es una mujer delgada de cuerpo
He is a man with a fat face
Es un hambre gordo de cara (= Es un hombre de cara gorda)
Raul is tired of working and fighting
Raúl está cansado de trabajar y luchar
Washington, the capital of the United States, is a gorgeous city
*explanatory apposition
Washington, capital de los Etados Unidos, es una ciudad preciosa
You Catholics…
*apposition following plural pronouns
Ustedes los católicos…