Modern Medicine SMH Quiz Flashcards
What disease did the first magic bullet cure?
What year was the first Magic bullet discovered?
How did Behring help the discovery of the first magic bullet?
Isolated anti-toxins
What is a magic bullet?
A chemical and dye combined to target a specific disease
What was the difference between the first and the second magic bullet?
Kills multiple diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis and scarlet fever
In what year was the second magic bullet discovered?
What was the first magic bullet called?
Salvarsan 606
What disease was Gerhard Domagk trying to cure in 1932?
Blood poisoning
Why was the first magic bullet important?
First cure and inspired second magic bullet
Who was the first person to work on developing Penicillin?
Alexander Flemming
In what year was Penicillin discovered?
Why didn’t penicillin get developed in the 1920s?
Lack of funding
Who funded the mass production of penicillin?
The American goverment
What profession was the patient that received penicillin for 3 days?
What was penicillin tested on before a human patient?
What are the names of the two scientists who developed penicillin?
Florey & Chain
The name given to drugs that stop infections caused by bacteria is…