Models: Pasar Flashcards
as if nothing had happened
como si no hubiese pasado nada
there’s something odd going on here
aqui pasa algo misterioso
it’s always the same
siempre pasa igual/ lo mismo
Why doesn’t she come in?
Que pasa que no entra?
What’s up with you? (como saludo)
Que pasa contigo?
What’s become of her?
Que ha pasado con ella?
Well, you see…
lo que pasa es que
Nothing ever happens to me
Nunca me pasa nada
Nothing like this has ever happened to me before
No me ha pasado otra (igual) en la vida
It’s always the same, I keep losing things
Siempre me pasa lo mismo, lo pierdo todo
He had an accident, but fortunately he wasn’t hurt
Tuvo un accidente, pero por suerte no le paso nada
This is what comes of not listening to me
Esto te pasa por no hacerme caso
What’s the matter with him?
Que le pasa a ese?
The rope goes from one side of the street to the other (2)
La cuerda pasa de un lado a otro de la calle
When he dies the company will go to his son (2)
Cuando muera la empresa pasara al hijo