problem solving approach
ego seen as mechanism to solve problems; clients are people with decreased problem solving capacity
goals of problem solving approach
release, energize, and direct motivation by decreasing anxiety and increasing support; exercise coping capacity; person, problem, place, process
psychosocial approach; stages of psychosocial development
libidinal energy in different organ systems used at each stage; cathexis, investment of energy
ego psychology treatment focuses on ego function
how it behaves in relation to situation, reality testing, coping, ego strengths, capacity for relating
ego psychology goal
enhance and maintain ego control and management of reality stress
ego psychology terms: ego support
support the function of ego
ego psychology terms: ego defense function
unconscious, resolving conflicts
ego psychology terms: ego autonomous function
conscious, conflict free, adaptive function
individual psych
holistic theory of personality development, feelings of inferiority and way compensate, social interest and community feeling; goal to develop more adaptive lifestyle by overcoming inferiority and self-centeredness
self psychology
self is central organizing, motivating force; goal to increase self cohesion
person centered
nondirective, believe people are good and motivated to actualization; incongruity between concept of self and experience causes anxiety and maladaptive behavior
therapist provides unconditional positive regard, empathy
client needs to be aware of incongruence and desire change and self-exploration
gestalt therapy
person seeks increased awareness through split off parts of self; integration of parts, focus on here and now, more therapist directive, dramatization (empty chair), NOT FOR CLIENTS WITH SELF-CONTROL PROBS
transactional analysis
people have 3 ego states (parent, child, adult); interactions with others are transacted through ego states, child writes life script, four life positions (both ok, neither ok, you ok, i ok), contracting, game analysis (psychodrama)
narrative therapy
deconstruct stories and discover new realities and trusts; externalizing problem, problem saturated stories, mapping problem domain, unique outcomes, spreading news; collaborative, client expert in life
behavioral modificatoin
classical/operant conditioning
behavioral procedures: systematic desensitization
pair anxiety and relaxation stimuli to decrease anxiety
behavioral procedures: in vivo desensitization
least to worst anxiety provoking things and gradual exposure
behavioral procedures: aversion therapy
pair stimuli with averse stimuli to decrease attractiveness
behavioral procedures: shaping
train new behavior by prompting and reinforcing successive approximations of desired behavior
behavioral procedures: flooding
anxiety extinguished by prolonged exposure to feared stimuli
behavioral procedures: modeling
show client what desired behavior looks like
behavioral procedures: assertive training
teach how to express feelings/rights appropriately
behavioral procedures: contingency contract
agreement that specifies behavior change and consequences
behavioral procedures: rational emotive therapy
cognitive oriented, change irrational beliefs with non-distressing self-statements
behavioral procedures: sensate focus
in vivo desensitization and communication enhancement procedure in sex therapy
provision of pleasuring and paired with graded sexual contact
decrease performance anxiety
behavioral procedures: self-instructional training
cognitive behavioral modification, learn task relevant self-instructions that guide behavior and decrease anxiety, increasing problem solving
behavioral procedures: time out
remove opportunity to obtain positive reinforcement
behavioral procedures: token economy
get tokens for behaviors that can be exchanged for something
Multigeneraltional/intergenerational (bowen) family approach
goal: to increase differentiation of self, decrease triangulation
pathology seen as unfinished business, problems from triangulation and lack of differentiation
structural family therapy (minuchin)
impact of family organization on functioning, boundaries and rules within family and outside systems, use enactment
strategic family therapy
problem viewed as symptoms and response to dysfunction in family interactions; goal to solve problem by altering feedback cycle that maintains symptomatic behavior and form problem into solvable behavioral terms; use of relabeling, reframing, directives, paradoxical instructions
social role theory: role behavior
how status occupant should act toward individual with whom status rights and obligations put within contact, basic script for behavior
social role theory: status
relationship with others, set rights/obligations that regulate transactions with other statuses
social role theory: social and individual determinants of role behavior
individuals needs, ideas of obligations and expectations invested in status; compatibility/conflicts with others
social role theory: role complementarity
reciprocal role of role partner carried out as expected
social role theory: role discomplementarity
when roles conflict, role assigned by others conflicts with own role
social role theory: role conflict
incompatible/conflicting expectations
social role theory: prescription
behavior that should be performed
social role theory: sanctioning
behavior to modify the behavior of others
social role theory: failure in role complementarity
cognitive discrepancy in roles
social role theory: role allocation (locus of control)
adopted–satisfy ind need