title VI of civil rights act of 64
desegregation, no discrimination
older americans act of 65
programs for elderly, established administration on aging, grants for local AAA’s for programs
child abuse prevention and treatment act 74
national child abuse; established national center on child abuse and neglect, requires states to create investigation agency, create reporting system, laws to protect kids
family educational right and privacy act of 74 buckley amendment
protect privacy of educational records, right to inspect/review records and request accuracy, request that directory info not be disclosed
public law 94-142/education for handicapped kids act of 75
get IEP that’s annually revised, services at no extra cost
indian child welfare act of 78
native organizations have jurisdiction over child welfare of native child; hierarchy of steps(verify tribal identification, allow tribal jurisdiction, if denies–place with family member, then family in tribe, then non native family)
adoption assistance and child welfare act of 80
family preservation and reunification, regular court review
omnibus budget reconciliation act of 81
community service block grants for social security, community services, DA/MH services, maternal/child health, primary care, community development, preventative health
family support act of 88
welfare reform, reduce employment barriers to decrease need for welfare, skills and education training for job
ADA 90
no discrimination for disabilities, reasonable accommodations
patient self-determination act of 91
implement advanced directives policies at health care facilities with Medicare/Medicaid funding
FMLA of 93
12 weeks of job protected leave for medical/family reasons if eligible
multi-ethnic placement act of 93 and provision of removal of barriers to inter-ethnic adoptions
increase adoption rates of minority kids and decrease time in foster care
violence against women act of 94 as title IV of violence crime control and law enforcement act
to develop and strengthen law enforcement and prosecution strategies, and services for women survivors
personal responsibility and work opportunity reconciliatoin act of 96
TANF; no family entitled to welfare and must work within 2 years of applying, maxed at 5 years of assistance unless can’t afford childcare
health insurance portability and accountability act 96
individuals can access medical records and control how health info is disclosed
ACA 2010
required to have health insurance, can get from state
workforce innovation and opportunity act of 2014
workforce development board, one stop operations, job driven training for adults and dislocated workers, integrated performance and youth services
long term care and hospice
older adults, mental handicap, physical disability, children, psychiatric,
in home health services
nursing, rehab, personal care
homemaker/chore services
cleaning, shopping, meal prep, funded by title XX of social security act; barriers–poverty, health, family relations
adult day programs
groups, training, counseling, education
supplemental security income
SSI for those 65+, blind/disabled, not able to work; income determination, helpful for regular income
social security disability
must have earned certain social security coverage before disability, no income limits
know the different
social security retirement benefits
employment credits while working that you get back monthly when retired based on average of earnings
social security survivors benefits
benefits for family of deceased worker
SNAP (supplemental nutritional assistance program)
nutritional assistance, must meet certain income/employment/immigration status requirements, get EBT card with benefits added monthly
acknowledge problem analyze/define problem generate possible solutions evaluate options implement option of choice evaluate outcomes