diagnosing with dsm5 Flashcards
rule out
physical health diagnosis that can cause behavioral health symptoms
safety check
ensure self and others are safe
look for significant
patterns of behavior, changes, loss of functioning
age matters
same symptoms will have different diagnosis at different ages
how long/different onset times will indicate
different diagnosis
consider least restrictive
treatment environment
recognize that SW works within medical model and sometimes
meds are best practices
psychotic symptoms don’t necessarily indicate schizophrenia or MI
could be mood/substance use/borderline
fevers, allergic reactions, hormone changes, poison, sleep loss, physical health conditions
watch for term contraindicated
something not safe or recommended
intellectual disability=intellectual disability disorder
requires deficits in adaptive function and cognitive capacity assessment
onset in developmental years
IQ less than 70; mild, moderate, severe, profound
autism spectrum disorder
childhood onset and deficits in social communication and interaction, restricted/repetitive activities/behaviors and interests, more common in boys
inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness
must be in 2 domains-school, work, home so need collateral info
tic disorders (e.g. tourettes)
tics may come and go but need to be present for 1 year
need bipolar or depressive mood episode throughout
changes in energy/activity level as well as mood
persistent depressive disorder
covers chronic MDD and dysthymic diagnosis; SAD in winter with less sun
disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
for kids under 18 instead of bipolar diagnosis
separation anxiety diagnosis
onset at any age, need symptoms for at least 6 months, common for kids with school phobia
panic disorder and agoraphobia
separate and distinct diagnosis; agoraphobia–can have intense anxiety and fear without panic attacks
OCD and related
repetitive behaviors and compulsion, insight specifier and allow for delusional beliefs (not psychotic diagnosis)
adjustment disorder
specifiers: depressed mood, anxiety, conduct disturbance; use after stressful event
criterion for how people experience traumatic event, lower threshold for kids 6 and under, 4 symptom clusters–arousal, avoidance, persistent negative changes in cognition and mood, re-experiencing
acute stress disorder
qualifier for event being witnessed or experienced; symptoms needed in each category–arousal, avoidance, dissociation, intrusion and negative mood
reactive attachment disorder
from social neglect
results in emotionally and or socially disengaged individuals who have difficulty forming attachments to care giving adults
dissociated identity disorder
2+ distinct personalities as well as observable/self-reported identity transitions and gaps in memory of daily events; not diagnosable if caused by a medical condition, substance us, widely accepted cultural or religious practice
somatic symptoms and related disorder
can be diagnosed with medical conditions, may or may not be related
factitious disorder
can be imposed on self or another (by proxy); repeated, unexplained illness, form of child abuse
behaviors with low caloric intake, low weight
binging and compensatory behaviors once a week over 3 months
binge eating disorder–binging and distress but no compensatory behaviors
conduct disorder
can be childhood or adolescent onset, or unspecified
precursor to antisocial personality
antisocial personality disorder
only personality disorder can’t give to someone younger than 18;
schizoid personality
detachment from social relationships and restricted range of emotions, activities, and interests
schizotypal personality–compromised social relationships with odd beliefs, magical thinking, suspiciousness/paranoid
enuresis can be dinural, nocturnal, or both
encopresis can be with or without constipation and overflow inconvenience
Rhett syndrome
rare genetic disorder, persistent and progressive developmental regression after period of normal development; age of onset before age 4 (usually 1-2); symptoms–stereotypical hand movements, problems with coordination of gait and trunk movements, profound intellectual disability, severe expressive and receptive language development; FEMALES ONLY
fragile x syndrome
genetic abnormality on X chromosome that leads to intellectual disability and behavior problems
changes in level of consciousness/orientation, changes in cognition and perceptions; difficulty shifting and maintaining attention, delirious
caused by medical condition, substance use; medical emergency
rapid, acute symptoms onset which fluctuate overtime
disturbance involving memory impairment and other cognitive impairments, caused by medical condition (series of strokes), progressively worse over time
cluster A personality
odd and eccentric; paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal
cluster B personality
dramatic, emotional, erratic
antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic,
cluster C personality
anxious and fearful
avoidant, dependent, obsessive compulsive