Mod6 (ischemic heart disease) Flashcards
myocardial O2 demand exceeds the supply
Ischemic heart disease
inability of atherosclerotic (blocked) arteries to supply heart under conditions of increased O2 consumption
Myocardial O2 SUPPLY depends on:
quantity of O2 carried by RBCs (HB concentration, systemic oxygentation) AND Rate of Coronary Blood flow (perfusion pressure, vascular resistance, intrinsic regulations…)
Myocardial O2 DEMAND depends on:
Ventricular wall stress, HR and Contractility
Coronary arteriosclerosis
assoc with ischemia; focal narrowing of coronary artery by fixed plaque and abnormal vascular tone
distal vessels of coronary arteries dilate in response to increased metabolic demand; if artery is more than 90% blocked by stenosis; dilation is NOT adequate to prevent ischemia
Collateral vessels
develop to compensate for coronary artery blockage; develop btw obstruction and non-obstruction
Endothylial dysfunction
assoc with ischemia; an imbalance btw vasodilation and vasoconstriction; causes ischemia due to inappropriate vasoconstriction due to lack of nitric oxide release
Non modifiable risk factors of atherosclerosis
age (worsen with age), gender (men are worse than women pre menopause), and family history
Modifiable risk factors of atherosclerosis
SMOKING(affects LDL, displaces o2),HYPERTENSION risk is directly proportional to duration and severity), DYSLIPIDEMIA (high LDL levels in blood), DIABETES, ESTROGEN DEFICIENCY (E increase HDL and lowers LDL), INACTIVITY, OBESITY
Angina Pectoris (5 types)
chest pain caused by imbalance btw myocardial O2 demands and its supply; usually triggered by exercise, emotion, physical stress; radiates to left side
- Stable angina
chronic, predictable pattern caused by exertion/emotional stress; from obstructive plaque
- Unstable angina
stable angina at increased frequency and duration of episodes; occurs at rest
- Variant Angina
random episodes, often at rest; due to spasm of artery extreme enough to induce ischemia at rest
- Silent ischemia (angina)
absence of noticeable discomfort (asymptomatic)
- Syndrome X (angina)
chest pain caused by ischemia w/o significant arteriosclerosis; from inadequate vasodilation
Diagnosis of Chronic stable angina
angina is NOT a sharp/stabbing pain, lasts less than 10 min, but more than a few seconds, it diffuses (isn’t localized) and radiates to left side; will occur with increased O2 demand
venodilator that is used to relieve angina; dilates coronary vessels
organic nitrates
relieve ischemia via vasodilation
beta blockers
decrease myocardial O2 supply by decreasing ventricular contractility and HR
Ca2+ channel blockers
decrease O2 demand (venodilation) and increase myocardial O2 supply (coronary dilation)
Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)
sudden reduced blood flow to heart associated with rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque and partial or complete thrombosis of the infarct-related artery; clinically presents at STEMI, NSTEMI and UA (unstable angina)
Partial block in ACS
causes UA and NSTEMI; where NSTEMI can cause necrosis
Complete block in ACS
results in STEMI and large areas of necrosis
Myocardial Infarction
result of inadequate O2 supply to heart causing necrosis