MOD B exam prep Flashcards
Presidential Authority
Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces
Can issue executive orders
Can pardons for federal offenses
Can Veto legislation approved by Congress
3 levels of warfare
Strategic Level
Operational Level
Tactical Level
Strategic Level
set of idea for employing the instrument of national power in a synchronized and integrated fashion to achieve theater and multinational objectives.
Operational Level
links strategy and tactical level of warfare by establishing operational objectives needed to achieve the military end states and strategic objectives
Tactical Level
Employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other. planned and executed to achieve military objectives. this represents the “muddy boots” level of warfare
National Strategic Direction
Intent of the President, SecDef, CJCS in pursuit of national interests (nesting NSS, NDS, NMS)
Tactical Level
Employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other. planned and executed to achieve military objectives. this represents the “muddy boots” level of warfare
Combatant Command (COCOM)
Command Authority is NOT transferable, cannot be delegated.
War Powers Resolution
President must notify Congress <48 hours, Remove troops after 60 days
Article 1 Section 8
War and Defense Powers
Authorization of use for military forces
National Security Strategy
approved by the president developing and coordinating the instruments of national power to achieve objectives that contributed to national security
Tactical Control
Detailed direction and control of movements or maneuvers within the AO to accomplish tasks assigned
Special Operations Command Africa Special Operations Command Europe Special Operations Command Central Special Operations Command Pacific Special Operations Command Korea Special Operations Command South Special Operations Command North
Africa Command Central Command European Command Indo-Pacific Command Northern Command Southern Command Space Command
United States Special Operation Command
Cyber Command
Strategic Command
Transportation Command
Combatant Command Campaign Plan
implements the JSCP written by the CCDR Contains: -AOR Specific -CSCS - Country Specific Security -Cooperation Section -Mission Statement -Theater Assessment -CONPLAN -PLANORDS -EXORDS
Title 10
Armed Forces (US Military Branches) Fund
CJCS - JSCP Meaning
Joint Strategic Campaign Plan
Provides military strategic and operational guidance to preparation of plans based on current military capabilities.
SOCOM - What makes it unique?
It’s a unified Combatant Command - It performs service-like functions and has military department-like responsibilities and authorities.
Two Forces of the Army
Generating Force
Operating Force
Generating Force
Man, train equip, ensures readiness
- Recruiting
- Organizing
- Training
- supplying
- Mobilizing
- Demobilizing
Operating Force
Consists of units organized, trained, equipped and ready to deploy
Examples: SF, Ranger, Aviation, Corps
Competition Continuum
- Cooperation
- Competition below armed conflict
- Armed conflict
Competition Continuum - Cooperation
Includes mutually beneficial relationships between strategic actors with similar or comparable interests
Competition Continuum - Competition Below Armed Conflict
When two or more strategic actors view one another as competitors that have incompatible interests. **Influence and coercion are central to the condition of competition below armed conflict.
Competition Continuum - Armed Conflict
involves the use of force as the primary means by which a strategic actor seeks to satisfy its interests
Emerging Operation Enviornment
operational environment with hybrid treats (terrorist, proxy forces) and indirect attack the security of partner nation to under mines U.S national interest
involves the use of force as the primary means by which a strategic actor seeks to satisfy its interests
JIIM - Joint
Joint between military service branches
JIIM - Interagency
Multiple agencies (NSA, CIA, State, etc)
JIIM - Intergovernmental
two or more government
JIIM: Multinational
- 2 or more nations
- Alliance or coalition
Range of Military Operations
- Major Operations and Campaigns
- Crisis Response and Limited Contingency Ops
- Military engagement, security cooperation, and Deterrence
Foreign Internal Defense - Comprehensive effort with participation form civilian agencies and military - any activities taken by a host nation government to protect its society from Internal threats
3 Categories of FID
3 Categories:
- Indirect
- Direct Support
- US Combat Operations
DIME - Military
Provides use of force or enables others to apply force towards strategic goals, impose its will on another
Instruments of National Power
Diplomatic, Informational, Military, and Economic
*They are Unified Action - synchronization/coordination to achieve unity of effort
DIME - Diplomatic
State department, Embassies, treaties
DIME - Informational
Disrupting knowledge or information capability IOT influence, create advantage
DIME - Economic
Tariffs, sanctions, impose
Organizing Training Equipping Rebuilding Advising
functions of DOD
Support and defend the constitution of the US against all enemies foreign and domestic.
Ensure the security of the US, it’s possessions, and areas vital to its interest.
CCP function
Combatant Command Campaign Plan - implements the JSCP written by the CCDR Contains: -AOR Specific -CSCS - Country Specific Security -Cooperation Section -Mission Statement -Theater Assessment -CONPLAN -PLANORDS -EXORDS
Generating Force Function
Man, train equip, ensures readiness
- Recruiting
- Organizing
- Training
- supplying
- Mobilizing
- Demobilizing
National Military Strategy
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
overarching military strategic framework include resource planning and allocation priorities, risk distribution, and joint force development to achieve NSS and NDS objectives
Country-specific Security Cooperation Section
Integrated Country Strategies for each country. defending on the size and the significance of the security cooperation program
SecDef - NDS
National Defense Strategy - A document for applying the Armed Forces of the US in coordination with DoD agencies and other instruments of national power to achieve national security OBJs.
*The approach to implementing the NSS
SecDef - DPG
Defense Planning Guidance - Direction to the services on what capabilities to prioritize, guidance to CCMDs and which Services will own bases in their AOE, etc.
Unified Action
Unified Action synchronizes, coordinates, and integrates joint service, and other USG department & Agencies to pursue national interest
Selectively trained special operations forces to develop an environment for potential future special operations - creating conditions for success (OPE< AFO, IO)
Actions taken directly against terrorist networks and indirectly to influence and render global and regional environments inhospitable to terrorist networks
Comprehensive civilian and military efforts taken to defeat an insurgency and to *address any core grievances
Short duration strikes, diplomatically sensitive environments and which employ specialized military capabilities. TIME SENSITIVE
Security Force Assistance - Can be external or internal threats - Security cooperation activities that build capacity and capability through OTERA (Organize, Train, Equip, Rebuild, Advise)
Building capacity and capability of foreign security forces and their supporting institutions
Recon and surveillance actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or diplomatically sensitive environment. better equipment and training compare to CF
prevent adversary action through the presentation of a credible threat of counteraction
Counter Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear weapon capable of high order of destruction or causing mass casualties
3 Categories of FID
3 Categories:
- Indirect
- Direct Support
- US Combat Operations
is COIN part of FID?
9 Principle task SF
- Unconventional Warfare
- Foreign Internal Defense (Internal threats)
- Counter Insurgency
- Security Force Assistance (Internal Or External Threats)
- Special Reconnaissance
- Direct Action
- Counter Terrorism
- counterproliferation of weapons of mass destruction
- Preparation of Environment
ARSOF Pillars
- Indigenous Approach to Operations
- Understanding and Wielding Influence
- Precision Targeting
- Crisis Response
ARSOF Pillars - Indigenous Approach
Low cost, small footprint, sets conditions for CF, politically sensitive
ARSOF Pillars - Understanding and Wielding Influence
- Early understanding of regional or emerging threats
- Engagement develops partner nation relationships
ARSOF Pillars - Crisis Response
HA, HR, CP-WMD, NEO (Non-combatant evacuation operations)
ARSOF Pillars - Precision Targeting
employed against uniquely difficult target sets that may
require operating in uncertain or hostile environments,
careful and focused application of force, and significant
intelligence and operational preparation.
What makes ARSOF a choice for solving complex problems?
Cheap, Small footprint, better trained, culturally aware and trained
how GCC using Special Operation?
through TSOC
planned and executed as to conceal the identity for permit plausible denial by the sponsor
operation sponsored or conducted by governmental department or agencies in such way as to assure secrecy or concealment