Mod 6Exam Review: The Early Medieval World Flashcards
stretched across three continents,
covered two million square miles
Rome Connecting these people groups and towns was an advanced __________-mile road system that moved trade goods, travelers, soldiers, and later, Christian missionaries throughout the large empire.
Large ___________ brought running water to Roman cities
factors leading to the fall of the Roman Empire
Economic Problems
Social Problems
Military Problems
Outside Invasion
soaring debt because of reckless spending
cost of constant war
economic growth and revenues continued to plummet
severe inflation.
unemployment rate skyrocketed
300 AD, the Roman Empire had been divided in half by Emperor Diocletian in order to make governing such a large empire more manageable.
Economic Problems
In _____________ AD, the Roman Empire had been divided in half by Emperor Diocletian in order to make governing such a large empire more manageable.
Roman soldiers placed their loyalty in their generals, who promised them land and wealth, rather than the state
empire fell into civil war
enemy nations moved in to strike at an empire that was collapsing from within.
Military Problems
dramatically declined and rampant immorality swept through the culture
costly and demoralizing civil wars
decline in population from wars and outbreak of a disease
Social Problems
The savior of the city, the elderly ___________, met with Attila.
Bishop Leo I
In ________ AD, Attila drove his unstoppable force all the way to Rome, where the city faced the very real possibility of complete destruction.
Who pushing the German tribes into the Roman Empire
Attila the Hun
In ____ AD, a German chief by the name of _______invaded Italy and overthrew the young Romulus
Romulus (mockingly referred to as Augustulus or “little Augustus”), the last _____________.
Roman emperor in the west
After exiling the young Romulus to a monastery, _________ declared himself to be king of Italy.
the Western Roman Empire fell, the powerful Eastern Roman Empire (later known as the Byzantine Empire) continued in existence for another __________ years.
Historians have several names for this Medieval era, including
“Middle Ages,”
“Dark Ages.”
the time period that gave the world majestic cathedrals, art, and fine works of literature.
“Dark Ages.”
The term “_________” just does not seem to describe the Medieval era accurately.
The strongest group to emerge among the quarreling German tribes..
were not a unified nation but a collection of German tribes that shared common traditions and customs.
a young and powerful leader of one of the Frankish tribes in Gaul, set out to unify the Franks into one kingdom.
How did Clovis become a Christian?
He promised his wife that if God granted him a victory in his next battle, then he would convert to Christianity.
He found himself in the middle of a losing battle against a rival German tribe. On the verge of panic, Clovis lifted his eyes to heaven and begged God to grant him victory over his enemies. Just as he finished praying, the enemy ranks wavered and broke as the Franks chased their foes off the battlefield.
Wife of Clovis,
was a German Christian who firmly believed that Clovis needed to abandon the false Roman and German gods and place his faith in Jesus Christ.