3.10.W - Lesson: The Persian Empire & Zoroastrianism Review Flashcards
Through the influence of Mordecai and Esther, it is reasonable to assume:
They were able to promote religious tolerance in the Persian Empire.
The Jews were treated as slaves in the Persian Empire.
The Jews were allowed to return to Israel without permission from the king.
The Persians developed a fear of Jewish people.
They were able to promote religious tolerance in the Persian Empire.
Daniel’s vision of the ram and goat predicted the defeat of the Persians by:
Alexander the Great
the Egyptians
Alexander the Great
What was the name given to the road built by King Darius that was 1700 miles long?
Khyber Pass
Royal Road
Berlin Wall
Silk Road
Royal Road
What was the name given to the governors placed over specific areas to maintain control in the Persian Empire?
In the Zoroastrian system, the end of time:
will be a battle between good and evil
ends with the forces of good winning
ends with the forces of evil winning
ends with complete annihilation of the planet
will be a battle between good and evil
Which Persian king declared that Daniel’s God was the most powerful after seeing him spared from the lion’s den?
Darius the Great
Cyrus the Great
Darius the Great
Which of the following are true about Zoroastrianism? (Choose all that apply.)
It was led by the main prophet Zarathustra.
It was based on the tension of good versus evil.
It involved human sacrifice.
It revolved around a supreme creator.
It was led by the main prophet Zarathustra.
It was based on the tension of good versus evil.
It revolved around a supreme creator.
Which leader in the Persian Empire led his army to conquer the Babylonian Empire?
Cyrus the Great
Alexander the Great
Darius the Great
Ramesses the Great
Cyrus the Great
Zoroastrianism was a ___________________ religion.
The prophet Daniel interpreted the handwriting on the wall for this Babylonian king:
Darius the Great
Cyrus the Great
Esther was a Jew who was able to help her people because of her position as:
a servant in the king’s household
queen of Persia
sister to the king
Mordecai’s wife
queen of Persia
Under which Persian ruler did the Empire reach its largest extent?
Darius the Great
Cambyses II
Cyrus the Great
Darius the Great
Through the influence of Mordecai and Esther, it is reasonable to assume:
They were able to promote religious tolerance in the Persian Empire.
The Jews were allowed to return to Israel without permission from the king.
The Persians developed a fear of Jewish people.
The Jews were treated as slaves in the Persian Empire.
They were able to promote religious tolerance in the Persian Empire.
What notable event happened under the reign of Cyrus the Great concerning the Hebrews?
The Hebrews rebuilt the temple.
The Hebrews started sacrificing again.
The Hebrews were allowed to return to Jerusalem.
The Hebrews were taken captive by the Babylonians.
The Hebrews were allowed to return to Jerusalem.
In the Zoroastrian system, the end of time:
will be a battle between good and evil
ends with complete annihilation of the planet
ends with the forces of evil winning
ends with the forces of good winning
will be a battle between good and evil
Which Empire took control after the Babylonian Empire fell?
Egyptian Empire
Roman Empire
Persian Empire
Ottoman Empire
Persian Empire