Mod 5 Review Flashcards
drugs that produce a response
severe allergic reaction
break down
drug name not protected by trademark
not taking drugs as prescribed
half life
time it takes for excretion to lower the drug concentration by half
drugs effect on cellular physiology, biology, and its mechanism of action
unit dose
single dose
trade name
name protected by trademark
a drug such as an antibiotic is called ? because it produces a response
a drug such as an antihistamine is called a ? because it blocks a response
a ? occurs when one drug interferes with the way the other drug acts when taken alone
drug interaction
the study of how drugs enter the body, are metabolized, reach the site of action, and are excreted is called ?
knowing the side effects of a drug and how it works helps nurses figure out the ? of the drug
nursing implications
alcohol causes a ? when consumed while taking a drug that depresses the central nervous system
synergistic effect
some drugs have a very narrow ? and if a pt takes an extra pill, toxicity may develop
therapeutic range
The four types of drug action are?
stimulation or depression, replacement, irritation, inhibition or killing
For the drugs they administer, nurses are held legally responsible for the?
safe and therapeutic effects of the drugs
why are pts noncompliant in taking their drugs?
does not comprehend the drugs action or why its being taken, can’t tolerate side effects, can’t afford it
Toxic effects of a drug occur when
the blood level of a drug rises above the therapeutic range and causes unintended damages to normal cells
what is pharmacodynamics
study of a drugs effect on cellular physiology and biochemistry and its mechanism of action
what info to teach pt’s about drugs?
why it is being prescribed, how long before results will be evident, sings and symptoms to expect, the dosage and schedule for taking the drug, amount of fluid and types of food to consume, and to consult physician before taking OTC meds
what should be used instead of “qod”
daily or every other day
what should you do if a drug dosage seems odd or the drug ordered does not seem appropriate for the pt?
question it and check with the pharmacist and/or physician
drugs whose dosages should be checked by another nurse when you prepare them are?
any high risk drug, such as IV potassium, heparin, IV cardiac drugs, insulin
which form of a drug will be absorbed the quickest?
oral suspension
sufficient fluid intake to eliminate drugs properly is at least ?
50 mL/kg/day
the peak effect of a drug occurs when
the drug blood level reaches the highest concentration
when administering medications, nurses are legally responsible for knowing? (6)
correct dose, route by which given, desired effects, side effects, interactions with other meds, any contraindications
any medication order that is unclear, incomplete, or ambiguous must be
the primary system of measuring medication dosage in the US is
topical meds are those applied to the
skin or mucous membrane
what orders in the hospital are generally valid for 48-72 hours and then need to renewed
opiate analgesic