Concepts Chapters 14 & 15 Flashcards
a person who doubts the existence of god
person who does not believe in the existence of god
a religious sacrament marked by the symbolic use of water resulting in admission of the recipient into the community of christians
a conviction or opinion that one considers to be true
a positive or negative attitude or opinion that is unsupported by evidence
universal life force or energy
surgical removal of all or part of the penile foreskin
the exchange of information and ideas by speech, writing, gesture, expression, body posture, intonation, and general appearance
knowledge of a peoples history and ancestry and an appreciation for their artistic expressions, foods, and celebrations
cultural awareness
knowing yourself, examining your own values, attitudes, beliefs and prejudices
cultural competence
refraining from using offensive language, respecting accepted patterns of communication, and refraining from speaking in ways that are disrespectful of a persons cultural beliefs
cultural sensitivity
(1) the propagation of living organisms or tissue in special media conducive to their growth (2) values, beliefs, and practices shared by the majority within a group of people
A hispanic american folk helper
regional variations of a language with different pronunciation, grammar, or word meanings
a family/household with shared equality between men and women
referring to a group within a race usually differentiated by geographic, religious, social, or language diferences
the tendency of human beings to feel that their way of thinking, believing, and doing things is the only way or the only right way
a belief that cannot be proven, or for which no material evidence exists.
the formation of a general principle or idea
approach to health care that considers the biologic, psychological, sociologic, and spiritual aspects and needs of the person
properly prepared in accordance with jewish dietary laws
a female dominated family/household.
a male dominated family/household
acceptable or comfortable space between two people when conversing
personal space
a positive or negative attitude or opinion that is unsupported by evidence
a biologic way of categorizing people based on physical characteristics, such as skin color and texture, facial characteristics, and body proportions
a formalized system of belief and worship
a ceremonial act
a member of certain tribal societies who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and who practices for purposes of healing, divination, and control over natural events
feelings of guilt and unworthiness, abandonment, anger, despair, or hopelessness; need to seek forgiveness; conflict between ones religious or spiritual beliefs and medical treatment
spiritual distress
an intangible element of religion that concerns the spirit or soul
a set opinion or belief about a group of people that is applied to an individual
smaller group within the culture whose members have similar views and goals in addition to or in place of those of the main culture
multicultural nursing care that recognizes cultural diversity and is sensitive to the needs of the pt and family
transcultural nursing
a measure of worth or efficiency; an ideal, custom, or institution of a society toward which the members of the group have an affective regard (emotional connection)
the perspective a culture takes of the world that is shared by cultural group members, and that infuences health and illness beliefs
a force that is positive, light, warm, or masculine
a force that is negative, dark, cold, or feminine
admission of reality, as in the reality of death; the final stage in the process of dealing with dying and death
consent constructed before the need for it arises; it spells out a pts wishes regarding surrey and diagnostic and therapeutic treatments .
advance directive
grieving that occurs before the loss actually happens.
anticipatory grieving
making available to pts the means to end their lives with knowledge that suicide is their intent .
assisted suicide
an examination of the body organs and tissues to determine the cause of death.
an attempt to make an arrangement whereby one gives something in order to gain something in return; the third stage in Kubler ross stages of the grieving process.
the state of having suffered a loss by death.
the permanent stopping of integrated functioning of the person as a whole; cessation of brain functioning .
brain death
respirations that gradually become more shallow and are followed by periods of apnea (no breathing) with repetition of the pattern .
cheyne-stokes respirations
to say goodbye to those people and things that are important .
identifying symptoms that cause the pt distress, and adequately treating those symptoms .
comfort care
a person with legal authority to determine cause of death .
the cessation of all physical and chemical processes that invariably occurs in all living organisms a stage of life.
defense mechanism in which the existence of intolerable conditions is unconsciously rejected; first stage in the acceptance of death .
a legal document that appoints a person chosen by the pt to carry out his or her wishes as expressed in an advance directive .
durable power of attorney for health care
not natural or normally functioning .
an easy or painless death;
euthanasia (active, passive)
.a process that occurs over a period of time as a person adapts to and moves through the pain of loss
grieving process
.a person chosen by the pt to carry out the pts wishes as expressed in an advance directive
health care proxy
an inner positive life force, a feeling that what is desired is possible .
a program that provides a continuum of home and inpatient care for terminally ill pts and their families .
to no loner have or possess an object, person, or situation .
a notice of death published in newspaper .
the act of treating symptoms to relieve pain and provide comfort .
after death .
the stiffness that occurs in dead bodies as chemical changes take place .
rigor mortis
a dress or garment for the sea; winding sheet .
the medicolegal study of the dying process and death .
mercy killing is the deliberate ending of the life of a person who is incurably and terminally ill
active euthanasia
is the withholding of heroic measures and allowing the person to die
passive euthanasia
the total emotional response of pain and distress that a person experiences as a reaction to loss