Mod 5 Flashcards
discipline that describes, quantifies and postulates casual mechanisms for disease in populations and develops methods for the control of diseases
Epidemiology assumptions (2)
1) occurance of disease is not random
2) study of populations enable the ID of causes and preventive factors associated with disease
Epidemiology functions
policy development
What does epidemiology offer community nurses?
method for assessing health of aggregates –> provide frame of reference for investigating and improving clinical practice
presence of disease
occurrence of death
making sense of information
Morbidity rate formula
estimated population as of july 1st x 100,000
Understanding risk for injury/disease
- biology, environment, lifestyle, system of health care
- negative influences on health increase probability of disease
Population at risk
greater probability of developing health problem than other groups
Relative risk ratio
compares disease occurance with population at risk to general public without risk factor.
assists in determining most effective points for community health intervention, method for explaining risks
Relative risk >1.0
those with risk factor greater likelihood of aquiring disease
number of cases of disease in a population at certain time period
provides indication of extent of health problem
period prevelance
rate of instance within population
new cases of disease in period of time
comparing rates that vary among subgroups/exposures
Attack rate
describes proportion of a group or population that develops a disease among all exposed to risk (ex. outbreaks)
To develop a disease you must both be
susceptible and exposed
factor that causes disease
biological, chemical, nutritional, physical
Eg. smoke/ tars/chemicals in tobacco
Epidemiologic triad
host, agent, environmental factor
biological, behavioral or social factors
Eg. personal developed lung cancer, smoking habit
social, physical, biological
Eg. smoking on job permitted, products accessible
What relationships does epidemiology focus on?
Casual (cause and effect)
why conditions develop, offer prevention and protection
Interventions (3) for infection chain
1) Controlling or eliminating agent at source of transmission
2) Protecting portals of entry
3) Increasing host’s defenses