Mod 4 Flashcards
American Values (6)
1) personal control of environment
2) Individualism
3) independence
4) privacy
5) competition
6) free enterprise
Culture is ______(5)
What does it mean to be culturally competent?
understand the cultures of communities you serve
How to overcome ethnocentrism
Recognize and challenge negativity.
Cultural Refusal
cultural destructiveness
project superiority (attitude, policy, practices destructive to other groups)
“if you want to work at my store, speak english”
Cultural Resistence
cultural incapacity
Lack of resources to meet needs of other cultures.
Use dominant population as standard for care.
Cultural blindness
treating all the same
disregarding norms
cultural pre-competence
aware of strengths/weakenesses
Cultural Incoporation
cultural competence/proficiency
seek/incorporate advice to understand culture as much as possible
Cultural safety
power differentials, decision making
How do you manage health problems in diverse populations? (4)
1) health promotion
2) deliver/finance health service
3) develop professionals from minority groups
4) promote research on minority health issues
Community focused strategies
community partners, participation, spaces, network
breast cancer screening education to native hawaiian women through local church
Culturally focused strategies
inclusion of target groups values, spirituality, activities
smudge ceremonies led by spiritual leaders prior to and following health clinic events
Language focused strategies
intervention in native language, simple words
using translators
SES vulnerability
below poverty level
no diploma