Mod 4 Flashcards
Increasing the angle of joint Ex. Straightening the arm at the elbow

Further extension or straightening of a joint Ex. Bending the head backwards
Movement of the bone away from the midline of the body
Movement of the bone toward the midline of the body
Movement of the bone around its central axis
Movement of the distal part of the bone in a circle while the proximal end remains fixed
Turning the sole of the foot outward by moving the ankle joint
Turning the sole of the foot inward by moving the ankle joint
Moving the bones of the forearm so that the palm of the hand faces downward when held in front of the body
Moving the bones of the forearm so that the plan of the hand faces upward when held in front of the body
Why when a client is inactive the joints are pulled into a flexed position?
Because the flexor muscle are stronger than the extensor muscles which pull inactive joints into the flexed position
How does coordinated movement work?
Bodies move in a balanced smooth and purposeful way as a result of the coordinated function of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum and basal ganglia
When it come to coordinated movement what does the cerebral cortex control?
Initiates voluntary movement
Coordinated motor activity is controlled by what part of the brain?
What coordinated movement is controlled by the basal ganglia?
Maintains posture
Decreasing the angle of the joint Ex. Bending the elbow
What are the most important factors in maintaining health?
Diet and exercise
What type of joint movement is there with the pivot joint of the neck?
Flexion- move the head from the upright mids line position forward, so that the chin rest on the chest
Extension- move the head from the flexed position to the upright position
Hyperextension- move the head from the upright position back as far as possible Lateral flexion- move the head laterally to the right and left

What type of joint movement works the ball and socket joint of the shoulder?
Flexion- easier each arm from a position by the side forward and upward to a position beside the head
Extension- move each arm from a vertical position beside the head toward and down to a resting position at the side of the body Abduction- move each arm from a resting side position to behind the body
Addiction-move each arm from a position at the side across the front of the body as far as possible. Elbow may be straight or bent Circumduction- move each arm forward, back and down in a full circle External rotation- with each arm held out to the side at shoulder level and the elbow bent to a right angle, fingers pointing down, move the arm upward
Internal rotation- with each arm held out to the side at shoulder level and the elbow bent to a right angle finger pointing up bring the arm forward and down so that the fingers point down

What type of movement would you use to work the hinge joint of the elbow?
Flexion- bring each lower arm forward and upward so that the hand is at the shoulder
Extension- bring each lower arm forward and downward straightening the arm Rotation for supination- turn each hand and forearm so that the palm is facing upward Rotation for pronation- turn each hand and forearm so that the palm is facing downward

What type of joint movement will work condyloid joint of the wrist?
Flexion- bring the fingers of the each hand toward the inner aspect of the forearm
Extension- striven each hand to the same plane as the arm Hyperextension- bend the fingers of each hand back as far as possible Radial flexion- bend each wrist laterally toward the thumb side with hand supinated
Ulnar flexion- bend each wrist latterly toward the fifth fingers with the hand supinated

What type of movement will work the hand and fingers?
Extension-straighten the fingers of each hand
Hyperextension- bend the fingers of each hand back as far as possible
Abduction- spread the fingers of each hand apart Addiction- bring the fingers of each hand together

What type of joint movement will exercise the saddle joint of the thumb?
Flexion- move each of the thumb across the palmar surface of the hand toward the fifth fingers
Extension- move each thumb away from the hand
Abduction- extend each thumb laterally
Adduction-move each thumb back to the hand
Opposition-touch each thumb to the top of each fingure of the same hand. The thumb joint movements involved are abduction, flexion and rotation
What type of joint movement will exercise the ball and socket joint of the hip?
Flexion- move each leg forward and upward. the knee may extend or flexed
Extension-move each leg back beside the othe
Hyperextension-move each leg behind the body
Abduction- move the leg out to the side
Adduction- move the leg back toward the body
Circumduction- move each leg backward, up to the side, and down in a circle
Internal rotation- flex knee and hip to 90 degree. place foot away from the midline . move thigh and knee toward the midline
External rotation-flex knee and hip 90 degree. place the foot toward the midline. move the thigh and knee away from the midline