Mod-3 Jan-25 Flashcards
Tools of Health Assessment - 5
Your senses - hearing, smell, sight, touch
Move Auscultation up after Inspection On abdomen
Why do health assessment - 7
Baseline data Evaluate step Screening Annual check up New problem Follow up to a problem Change in health status
CONFHER for culture
Communication - language, literacy, non-verbal
Orientation - how do they identify - cultural, ethnic
Nutrition - 24 hour diet recall, things to eat/avoid
Family - Id as family, head of house?
Health, health belief - What do you think is causing this problem? What do you do to stay healthy?
Education - level, learning style
Religion / spirituality
Physical assessment environment - 5
Comfort Warmth, including hands Privacy Standard Precautions Tell them what to expect, why
Integument Inspection notes - when starts, looking for, attributes (7)
When you walk in the door, general survey
Looking for anything out of normal. Is it expected finding?
Site and smell:
Color, size, shape, contour, symmetry, movement, drainage
Palpation - 3
Appropriate pressure
Percussion sounds - 5
Tympany - high pitched (air) Resonance - loud, low pitched, hollow Hyperresonance - abnormally loud Dullness - high pitched, soft (organ, feces) Flatness - high pitched (muscle/bone)
Auscultation - 4
Prepare for assessment - 5
Gather appropriate equipment Wash hands Introduce self Identify client - 2 IDs Explanation of procedure (brief)
General Survey - 14
Posture, Appearance, Appears stated age,
Level of consciousness, Skin color, Nutritional status,
Posture and position, Obvious physical deformities,
Mobility (gait, assist device, ROM, no involuntary movements),
Mood and affect, Speech (articulation, pattern, appropriate content),
Native language, Hearing, Personal hygiene
Mental Status Exam - 4
Alert and Oriented (A and O) to Person 1 Place 2 Time 3 Situation 4
Skin Assessment - 9
Color, Temperature, Moisture, Thickness, Edema,
Mobility and Turgor (),
Bruising, Scarring, Rashes
General Survey vitals - 7
Vital Signs T, P, R, BP
Tools/equipment used in Integumentary Assessment - 3/2
Tape measure, clean gloves
Mole description - 5
A - Asymmetry B - Border C - Color D - Diameter E - Evolving - has it changed?
Hair/Scalp, Nails Assessment - 6/4
Distribution, Fullness, Cleanliness, Alopecia, Lesions, Dandruff
Clean/trim, Shape, Thickening/yellowing, Clubbing
Edema pitting level - 4
+1 - barely detectable
+2 - 4mm, few seconds to rebound
+3 - 6mm 1-12 seconds to rebound
+4 - 8mm >20 seconds to rebound