Mod 3 - 19th Century Flashcards
Nineteenth century other terminologies; AKA
“an era of challenges and responses” “period of major changes which affected men and society”
Six important changes in the country:
-The struggle for
-The gradual speed for democracy
-the modernization of living through industrial revo
-The advance of Science
-The march of imperialism
-The new current in the movement of thought and growing confidence on progress
is a feeling of oneness by a group of people who believe that they possess common traditions culture, and common ideas ad goals
Effects of nationalism:
- proud of group
- willing to serve group
- patriotic
- pride for country
Two great upheavals that occurred in the last quarter of the
eighteenth century:
American Revolution (1775-1783) French Revolution (1779-1789)
A country should be free from domination by
another and the people should enjoy liberty, equality,
and opportunity.
: They believed in the “good old days”
when monarchs and kings ruled over their subjects
When did the The Greeks with foreign aid won their independence from the
when did the The Norwegians won their freedom from the Swedes?
In 1861, italy became a free country because of:
Camillo Cavour,
Joseph Mazzini,
Joseph Garibaldi,
Exceptions from the freedom of france
Rome which remained under the Pope and Venetia
Trent and Trieste under Austria.
Leader of germay who adopted policy of “blood and iron” and when did germany unite?
Otto von Bismarck, 1871
when did canada became a self governing nation?
who won ther independence between 11800 and 1825
Spain’s colonies in Latin America
who freed Northern South America
. Simoun de
Bolivar, “the liberator”,
Nothern South America Teritorries
and part of Peru.
a patriotic upperclass Spaniard freed Southern South America.
Jose San Martin
Nationalism developed in Japan
during a long period of seclusion
Nationalism in India arose because of?
British exploitation of the country
racial discrimination
GOMBURZA and year
Jose Burgos, Mariano Gomez y de los
Angeles and Jacinto Zamora
Feb 17, 1872
A system of government in which power is vested
in the people and exercised by them directly, has
constraints on the power of the executives, and
provides a guarantee of civil liberties
Democracy In France
-through revolution
French Republic in 1875
-right to vote
Democracy In England
-passed through reforms passed by parliaments
-right to vote extended
-Cabinet system (House of Commons and
not to the King or House of Lords)
-Reform acts 1832,1867,1884
-slavery abolished
-funds for educ
-child labor was prohibited
Democracy in belgium
liberal constitution
was adopted in 1831
Democracy In Switzerland
-manhood suffrage
was approved (1848)
which allows a bill in switzerland to be
passed by the legislature to be presented to
the people for approval and the “initiative”
which gives the voters the right to propose
laws for approval of the
legislature were also adopted
Democracy In Australia
- introduced ballot system
- manhood suffrage in 1885.
Democracy in new zealand
manhood suffrage was also
Democracy in US
people responsible are : Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson
-American Civil War ended slavery
Democracy In the Philippines
“We… fight so that there may be
more justice and more liberty and for the
sacred rights of man.” jose rizal wrote
Began in England in the 17th century or earlier, until the 19th century; Spread to the United States and much later to other countries of Europe, Asia, Latin America, Canada, Australia and parts of Africa.
Industrial Revolution
Changes in industry:
-hand work to machine work:
the basic
materials of industry
Coal, iron, and steel
spinning jenny, spinning frame, spinning
shuttle, cotton grin, and sewing
Revolution in Manufacturing
steam boats, steam locomotives,
airplanes, automobiles, and balloons
Revolution in Transportation
telephone, telegraph, wireless telegraphy, cable, postal service and newspapers
Revolution in Communicaation
Effects of Industrial Revolution:
- Encouraged Migration
- Increase in population cam about
- Nationalism was stimulated
- Growth of liberalism was fostered
- Industrial Capitalism developed
Effects of the creation of machines (industrialization):
Establishment of factories
⬗ Thousands of workers were employed in the beginning
⬗ Manufacturers went into large scales of production of goods
⬗ Commodities became cheaper
⬗ Towns and cities grew
⬗ Wealth of nation increased by leaps and bounds
⬗ Factory system improved the standards of living
⬗ Two social classes arose: capitalists and laborers
a new economic philosophy
- “let well enough alone” or “hands off”
-A policy that prevented the government from
interfering in private trade or industry except
with its rule of protecting the nation against any
kind of threat.
new producers who finance mills and factories
Suggested proposals to remedy
the evils of the Industrial
Liberals, Socialists, Communists
Adopted laissez-faire policy.; Allows everybody to expand as much as they wished in their industrial enterprises, which resulted into unemployment and misery with industrialists being powerful and rich, and working men being poorer.
Believed that the government should own and
manage the means of production; “As long as the capitalists controlled the
economic life of the people, there could be no
; t reforms could be achieved
gradually and peacefully through normal
political methods
Believed that the government should own and
manage the means of production; “As long as the capitalists controlled the
economic life of the people, there could be no
; t reforms could be achieved
gradually and peacefully through normal
political methods
Believed that the government should own and
manage the means of production; “As long as the capitalists controlled the
economic life of the people, there could be no
; t reforms could be achieved
gradually and peacefully through normal
political methods
proposed a new and positive reorganization of society,
controlled by the chiefs of industry, with scientists in the role
of priests, which aimed to produce things useful to life, and
peace would be assured by universal association.
Claude Henri
advocated a reconstruction of society based on
communal associations of producers known as phalanges.
Francois Fourier
one of the most influential early 19th
advocates of Utopian Socialism
Robert Owen
co-author of Communist Manifesto
⬗ -advocated revolutionary communism.
⬗ -believed that only a violent revolution could
improve the lot of workingmen
Karl Marx
Contained Christian principles advocated by the Catholic Church and announced by Pope
Leo XIII, reacting to the evils of industrialism.
Rerum Novarum (The Conditions of Labor)
Contents of rerum novarum
Rights must be religiously respected.
⬗ It is the duty of public authority to prevent and punish injury.
⬗ The poor and the helpless have a claim to a special consideration
whenever there is a question of protecting the rights of individuals.
⬗ Since private property is as universal as human nature, the State has
the right to regulate the use of private property and to protect it.
⬗ The preservation of life is the bounden duty of each and all members
of society. The worker is entitled to a just and decent living wage
which will enable him to live in reasonable comfort as a human being,
to develop his faculties, and to attain his ultimate goal in life.
⬗ The State has the duty to provide favourable working conditions.
⬗ The workers have the right to form unions.
– formulated the atomic theory which
explains that all matter is made up of invisible particles
or atoms.
John Dalton
Dalton’s Atomic Theory components
16mass units + 2 mass units= 18 mass units
discovered radium, an important
Marie Curie
discovered that germs cause diseases in
man and animals (germ theory)
- became the outstanding helper of mankind
Louis Pasteur
– discovered the germ that caused
-Inhalation anthrax
-became the greatest bacteriologist of his day
Robert Koch
– introduced antiseptics which
prevents infection
- began the modern practice of hospital sanitation
Dr. Joseph Lister
– demonstrated the anesthetic
properties of ether in a surgical operation in 1842
Dr. Crawford Long
– first to use the ether to ease pain
of tooth extraction in 1846
Dr. William Morton
used chloroform for the first time
in 1847
Dr. James Simpson
is the activity of the nation in extending its control
and authority beyond its territorial boundaries through
the acquisition of the new territories; the desire of
civilized nations to rule over weak or ”backward”
Great modern powers acquired colonies, concessions or spheres of influence
for several reasons:
Economic standpoint
Two most common techniques of economic
Economic penetrations by asking permission to do business
for foreign capitalists
⬗ Political control in order to protect economic interests
Imperialism also abolished practices such as
cannibalism, slave traffic, and slavery.
Developments in the late 19th Century
Man made considerable advancement in various fields
⬗ Democracy made significant reforms in government and
social relations
⬗ Human rights was extended to many people
⬗ Large investments for public education
⬗ Higher education for women
⬗ Improved public health
⬗ Literature and art
⬗ Architecture and music
-belief that every human life is sacred; the government exists for
the welfare of all citizens