Mod 2 Training Development Flashcards
What regulation defines training development
ADRP 7-0
How many steps are in the training model?
What are the Troop Leading Procedures
1 – Receive the mission. 2 – Issue a warning order. 3 – Make a tentative plan. 4 – Initiate movement. 5 – Conduct reconnaissance. 6 – Complete the plan. 7 – Issue the order. 8 – Supervise and refine. (3-35)
What are the four steps of unit training
Plan, Prepare, Execute, Assess (Ch 3)
Who plans and executes training?
Commander (1-11)
How do we ensure adequate training and preparation time?
1/3 2/3 rule
- leaders at all levels use no more than one-third of the training time available for planning and issuing their operation order (OPORD). They allocate two-thirds of the time remaining for subordinates to plan their own training (3-38)
What task is done at every level during the 8 steps of the training model?
Risk Management
What are the 11 principles of army training?
• Commanders and other leaders are responsible for training • Noncommissioned officers train individuals, crews, and small teams • Train to standard • Train as you will fight • Train while operating • Train fundamentals first • Train to develop adaptability • Understand the operational environment • Train to sustain • Train to maintain. • Conduct multi-echelon and concurrent training (2-1)
What is the role of the NCO in training?
- NCOs are the primary trainers of enlisted Soldiers, crews, and small
teams (2-3) - NCOs help officers train units (2-4)
What is METL
- “Mission Essential Task List”
- Doctrinal framework of fundamental tasks for which the unit was designed
- List of tasks a unit could perform based on its design, equipment, manning, TOE or TDA (3-5)
How do commanders plan training?
Planning for unit training begins with the commander determining the unit mission, reviewing the
unit’s METL, and determining the tasks that the unit must perform to support the higher unit’s mission (3-8)
What is a Green/Amber/Red Cycle
- A time management cycle to manage access to training capabilities at home station
- Reduce the likelihood that non-training requirements affect a commander’s UTP
What is the function of DTMS?
Provides the ability to plan, resource and manage unit and individual training at all levels
What is the function of CATS?
- Identifies tasks to be trained, training audience, means (events), training gates, suggested frequency and duration
- Based on ARFORGEN process
What is the most important resource when it comes to training?
What should be considered when planning trainng
Who, what, where, when, why, how
Risk management is considered in steps…
2, 3, 4, 5
When are leaders certified?
Step 2
In what step are you working out the kinks in the training?
5 Rehearsal
What is evaluated in step 6?
That training conducted to standard
What resource evaluates both class 3 and 5 requirements
How do you access CATS
Through ATN or DTMS