Mod 12 Consequences of Aging in each Body System Flashcards
- Cardiovascular
- ATHEROSCLEROSIS: Buildup of plaque within endothelial lining of artieres
- Elastic blood vessels become stiffer with age
- Free radical damage of cell
membrane causes protein linking
that diminishes elasticity and
decreases vasodilation - Heart
- Systolic BP increases with age
- Conductive tissue change =
increase risk of arrhythmias
- Max HR decreases
- Baroreceptors in atrial walls (sense changes in BP) are slower to respond= less ability to raise BP with position changes –> increased susceptibility to ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION!
- Respiratory
- Older adults with pneumonia may not exhibit early warning signs of tachypnea and dyspnea = delaying diagnosis
- Decrease respiratory with exercise
- Elasticity of thoracic rib cage & lung tissue decrease with age
- Resistance to expansion
increases - Stiffness of chest wall, increase effort in inspiration and expiration, and barrel chest
- Renal
- Loss of nephrons and decrease activity of nephron tubules
- Blood flow to kidney decrease bc atrophy of blood vessels
- Lower creatinine clearance bc less filtration of kidney
- Lower blood glucose, acid, potassium, specific gravity of urine
- Healthy older adults = serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen increase
- Kidney excrete more fluid and e- at night
-Kidney filtration decreases so drugs can accumulate in bloodstream = extreme susceptibility to DRUG TOXICITY and adverse med effects AND POLYPHARMACY: old people on 5 or more meds = drug-drug interactions often affect older adults - Hyperkalemia = cardiac dysrhythmias and cardiac arrest
- Dehydration = won’t feel thirsty
- Genitourinary
Women - Menopause
- Vulvovaginal atrophy = vag tissue is thinner and vag muscle is weak
- Vulvovaginal dryness, itchy, sore, dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
- Decrease in estrogen levels weakens bladder adn urethra
- Weak bladder = stress incontinence = urine leakage when coughing or laughing
- Changes in vaginal flora
Men - BPH: enlargement of the prostate gland
- Urinary symptoms = weak urine stream, frequency of urination, incomplete emptying of bladder, hesitancy (noncontinuous urine flow)
- Testicular changes = serum testosterone levels decrease, abnormal sperm
- GI
- Motility slows and less coordinated
- Autonomic nerves decline
- Decrease in peristalsis and constipation
- Diminished taste
- Loose teeth
- Increase susceptibility to dysphagia
- Change in flora = C. Diff
- PREBYESOPHAGUS: age related change in esophagus = loss of strength in LES = acid reflex builds up from stomach into esophagus = esophagitis
-PERNICUOUS ANEMIA: Lack of IF –> low absorption of vitamin B12 –> decrease RBC production in blood marrow = gait disturbance and paresthesia in lower extremities
-GASTRIC ATROPHY: produce less HCI bc gastric mucosa degenerates –> lack of ca and iron –> bone breakdown and reduced hemoglobin synthesis –> decrease RBC production aka IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA
- LACTOSE INTOLERANCE: low lactase = can’t break down lactose = constipation
- DIVERTICULOSIS: tiny sacks on intestinal wall gets inflamed = pain in Left Lower quadrant of abdomen
- INSULIN RESISTANCE: less insulin is secreted + increase body fat + increase blood glucose = susceptible to diabetes
- Susceptible to hypothyroidism bc low metabolism & fewer calories needed
- Integumentary
- Environmental Free Radicals & sun exposure
- Decrease elasticity
- Epidermal cells slow
- Discoloration
- Dryness
- Inability to conserve heat bc decrease subdermal fat
- Musculoskeletal
- Once muscle mass is lost it can’t be regenerated even with exercise but can increase strength
- Osteoblasts = cells that build up bone
- Osteoclasts = cells that deteriorate bone
- Women more suscpetible
- OSTEOPENIA: decrease in bone mineral density = precursor to osteoporosis
- Nervous
- Neurotransmitters decrease in fx
- Pernicious anemia
- Low B12 = gait instability & paresthesia in lower extremities
- Higher PAIN thresholds than in younger adults
- Length of stimulus is important variable
- May not be aware of injury bc of pain threshold
- EYEs get opaque & stiff = blurred vision
- PRESBYOPIA: old vision
- CATARACTS: thickened eye layer (opacity over pupil)
-HEARING can’t detect high or low frequency sounds
- PRESBYCUSIS: age related hearing loss
- Thermoregulation
- Do not produce fever bc usually have lower temps
- Less subcutaneous fat & decrease vasodilation = body able to produce less body heat
- Increase likelihood of hypothermia and hyperthermia