Mock questions Flashcards
Contract Practice
Can you tell me some of the main differences between JCT and NEC?
NEC contract written in plain english instead of legal terminology
Roles - Project Manager instead of Contract Administrator / Employers Agent
NEC contains a number of option clauses reducing the need for schedule of amendments like JCT
Compensation events vs Changes / Variations
NEC time and money dealt with together, JCT split up.
Programme is a contractual document in NEC
Contract Practice
Why would you use a collateral warranty?
To give a third party step in rights to a contract. This would be between a client and key sub-contractor, or a funder and a contractor to give them the chance to take the benefits of a contract and “step in” in the case of insolvency of one of the parties to the contract.
Typically this would be for complicated subcontract packages, such as MEP or structure.
Contract Practice
Can you tell me the time frames around settling a final account under a JCT contract?
The Contractor must issue all documentation necessary for Final account documents within 6 months of PC.
The Final account must be agreed / statements issued within 3 months of receipt of documents.
The contractor has 3 months to issue final statement. If not done within this period, employer will have 2 months to issue his final statement.
Contract Practice
You explained in your submission that you have processed loss and expense claims, can you explain the process of this please?
- CA assesses claim for validity as a relevant matter (4.22)
- I would then build up my assessment using the CSA if works were of a similar nature
- If not I would value based on market tested cost data from other projects.
- I would then use this to agree a fair and reasonable value with the contractor
Contract Practice
On lancer Sq, can you talk me through the process of valuing off site material?
First I checked that the items were included in the listed items included in the contract
I then checked that the items being claimed were present, in a separate area in the contractor’s storage facility, they were clearly labelled for the project and as belonging to the employer
I checked the materials were ready for incorporation in the works and took photographic evidence to back up the above
I then checked the vesting certificate was in place, and that the materials were insured against specified perils.
Contract Practice
Can you explain what liquidated damages are?
Liquidated damages compensate the client for the losses caused by late completion by the contractor.
They are charged on a time basis and should be an accurate estimate of actual loss.
Fixed and agreed in the contract.
Design Economics and Cost Planning
When you are cost planning what available sources of data are there for rates etc?
- CSA’s from previous projects
- In house cost data base
- Spons price book
- Market testing with suppliers
Design Economics and Cost Planning
Is there a preference which source of cost data you use first?
Personally I prefer to use cost data from recent projects I have worked on or from our internal cost data base. This is because I can understand any project abnormals that might affect cost, and I can verify the accuracy of the data.
It is harder to do this with general sources such as spons or BCIS.
Design Economics and Cost Planning
What sort of estimating variance would you expect from riba 3 to 4?
I would expect 5-10%
Design Economics and Cost Planning
You mentioned in you submission you chaired a VE meeting, what parties input into VE?
Myself, the Architects, Engineers, other consultants (Acoustic, lighting, AV, IT) and the Client.
Design Economics and Cost Planning
I assume you have been cost planning during the pandemic, how did you allow for potential cost associated with Covid 19?
Generally, I excluded the costs associated with COVID-19 as directed by my company due to the unknown level of impact. Where there were specific known impacts, such as allowing for PPE within preliminaries for example I would include these only.
Procurement and Tendering
What would you expect to see in a first stage commercial submission of a two-stage tendering process?
I would expect to see PCSA fee, Overheads and Profit and Preliminaries as standard.
Procurement and Tendering
Project Falcon you mentioned about managing the 2nd stage of the tender, how can you ensure value for money in two stage tendering?
2nd stage tendering has been known to reduce value due to the absence of competition. However when working on project falcon, the second stage involved an open-book tender process which allowed me to assess rates provided against our in house cost data.
Where this was not in line, I was able to challenge with both the contractor and sub-contractor to ensure the client obtained a fair and reasonable price.
Procurement and Tendering
You mentioned in your submission you have experience in preparing tender list, how would you determine the list?
I developed a shortlist of contractors with suggestions from myself, the architect and engineers based on previous projects. We took these forward to PQQ stage to determine interest and suitability
Procurement and Tendering
What are the various sections of a tender report?
- Executive Summary
- Introduction and background
- Tender Procedure
- Evaluation process
- Financial Analysis
- Programme Analysis
- Qualitative assessment (H&S, Quality of submission, experience, team proposed etc)
- Overall scoring
- Recommendation and next steps
Scoring Matrix
Tender price analysis
Tender opening form
Procurement and Tendering
On Nike Live, as you mentioned cost certainly wasn’t the driver and actually programme was, how did this influence the tender report?
Programme was weighted more heavily in the evaluation matrix
The recommendation in the tender report also lent more weight to the programme, with the background section explaining the clients key driver
Project financial control and reporting
What areas would you expect to be captured in a cost report?
- Budget
- Fixed Costs
- Variable Costs
- Approved changes
- Unapproved changes
- Early Warnings
- Contingency
- Cashflow
Project financial control and reporting
When capturing change control, what details would you capture with each item?
Detail of what the change is, how it would be implemented as well as the benefits to the project, and the impacts in terms of cost and time.
Project financial control and reporting
Can you explain the difference between defined and undefined prov sums?
Defined provisional sums are where there is enough information for the contractor to allow for the works within their programme and preliminaries, but maybe the final details to allow for fixed pricing are not available.
Undefined provisional sums are where you know works are going to happen but do not yet have enough information to allow for these works within programme or preliminaries.
Project financial control and reporting
On SCB Jersey, you explained about change control and aligning decision making to client govenance, what happens when you need a decision in advance of a client meeting where they would typically make a decision?
If a decision was needed in advance of a meeting, I would provide as much information as possible and circulate by email in line with the project approval plan. I would then try to separately contact each member of the project steering committee to further explain and would ask for their decision by email.
Can you explain what LCA is in regards to embodied carbon?
LCA one click is a software I use to help with the assessment of embodied carbon.
I quantify materials in line with NRM, and then select EPD’s from the software which then generates the embodied carbon, taking into account factors such as production location and transport to site.
How did you carry out Carbon Assement on Rodney St?
This was at RIBA stage 2, so i quantified the project in line with NRM 1. I then used these quantities to input into the LCA oneclick software, selecting the correct build up and material choice based on the outline specification.
This would generate an embodied carbon value. I also received input from our sustainability team on in use metrics for operational carbon.
Risk management
How do you manage risk on any project?
First of all by identifying risk.
This is usually done in the form of a workshop to identify the risks to a project.
Then each of the risks are evaluated for impact, qualitatively and quantitatively.
A risk owner is assigned and mitigation / control strategies are set out.
These are reviewed monthly, as well as whether any new risks are present or if old risks have been closed out.
Risk management
What information is capture in a risk register?
Type of risk, description, cost / time / quality impact, Likelihood and severity, risk owner, mitigation strategy and current status.
Risk management
How do you link risks to your cost reporting?
I include risks within the early warning section of my cost report to show the likely impact of risks if they were to materialise. I update this as new risks appear and old ones are mitigated / closed out.
This is to indicate to the client the reasonable worst case scenario
Business planning
Are you involved in any type of business planning in your current role?
At this time I am not involved in business planning, but i do contribute to achieving the business strategic goals through delivering service excellence, asking for more fee when a scope is increased and raising sustainability priorities where appropriate.
Business planning
When business planning are you familiar of any analysis techniques you may use when business planning?
I am aware of SWOT analysis, as well as market and competitor analysis.
SWOT analysis looks at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the market context and helps a business to understand what they are doing well, areas to improve, risks to be aware of and targets for the future.
Communication and negotiation
Example of a time you have negotiated?
I negotiated the final account on the ralph lauren milan project. I prepared by understanding the information around the variations and variable sums within the contract, what an acceptable and unacceptable outcome would be for the client. I also undertook my own assessment in line with the contract sum and fair and reasonable rates where the CSA did not apply, in order to build up my own assessment. I used this as a basis to negotiate a fair and reasonable final account in line with the contract.
Communication and negotiation
What various forms of communication do you use day to day?
Verbal, written, visual, numerical and graphical.
It is important to make good use of the different forms of communication to clearly communicate a message to my client.
Conflict avoidance, man., dispute res.
What are the various forms of conflict avoidance?
- Good Proactive management
- Clear contract documentation
- Partnering and aliancing
- Good project management ; proactively managing time, cost and risk
- Good client management
- Good Contractor management
- Good design team management
- Good payment practice
- Record keeping
- Regular reporting and proactivity
Conflict avoidance, man., dispute res.
Is there any RICs guidance on conflict avoidance?
Yes, there is the RICS Guidance note: Conflict avoidance and dispute resolution in construction
Diversity, inclusion and teamworking (if post 2018)
Can you give me an example of when you have demonstrated Diversity, inclusion and teamworking in your current role?
Recently, I have been working with and managing an apprentice on Cisco One London. I demonstrated team working by getting him involved with client meetings, providing encouragement, getting him to have a part in presentation of cost reports to the client and giving constructive feedback.
I try to foster an environment where everyone can speak up and raise an opinion, as sometimes an apprentice from a fresh perspective might pick out an issue the rest of the team has missed.
Inclusive environments
What relevant legislation is important when designing inclusive environments?
The Equality Act 2010, the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and part M of the building regulations
Inclusive environments
Is there anything that RICS have published in regard to inclusive environments?
The ‘Inclusive Design’ portion of Isurv
‘Inclusive Design’ portion of Isurv
Client Care
Other than Nike Live Tell me about a time where you have demonstrated Client Care.
Recently I started on a new project. When I came in the project was over budget at stage 3. After going through the value engineering options I had developed, the client stated that they would like to proceed to stage 4 without sufficient contingency (Below 3%). I advised them that this was unwise as this could leave the client with a project that they did not have the funds to complete.
Client care
How would you react if a client asks you to discount your fee to secure a commission?
I would raise this with my line manager and director for consideration. In any case I would be sure that any commercial decision would not under-resource the project, and I had enough time to deliver my scope of services to a high standard.
Conduct rules, ethics and professionalism
What is the role of the RICS Governing Council?
They set RICS strategy and Vision; Highest governing body
Conduct rules, ethics and professionalism
What can you tell me about the Levitt Review?
The Levitt review was commissioned amidst the backdrop of financial misdemeanours, suppressing of a report critical of financial management of the organisation, and dismissal of members of the board who had questioned this.
The report was to understand how this report was dealt with, to identify any shortcomings, to consider whether any shortcomings represented a failure of governance and to make recommendations for the future.
The report concluded that sound governance procedures were not followed by the RICS, non-exec members of the board had legitimate concerns and were unfairly dismissed, and there was a lack of clarity around the roles and responsibilities around the various RICS boards, senior leadership and management.
It recommended that a further review should take place to clarify these items by an external reviewer
Conduct rules, ethics and professionalism
What subsequent Review did it give rise to?
Bichard Review
Conduct rules, ethics and professionalism
What was Lord Bichard’s remit?
Clarify purpose of RICS, clarity of governance and recommendations for the future in line with the recommendations made by Alison Levitt
Conduct rules, ethics and professionalism
Can you list the Rules of Conduct?
- Members and firms must be honest, act with integrity and comply with their professional obligations, including obligations to RICS.
- Members and firms must maintain their professional competence and ensure that services are provided by competent individuals who have the necessary expertise.
- Members and firms must provide good-quality and diligent service.
- Members and firms must treat others with respect and encourage diversity and inclusion.
- Members and firms must act in the public interest, take responsibility for their actions and act to prevent harm and maintain public confidence in the profession.
Conduct rules, ethics and professionalism
Can you explain the difference between a Professional Statement and a Guidance Note?
PS - Mandatory requirements for RICS members and RICS regulated firms. RICS guidance note
GN - A document that provides users with recommendations or an approach for accepted good practice as followed by competent and conscientious practitioners.
Conduct rules, ethics and professionalism
Can you explain how you promote trust in the profession?
I promote trust in the profession by:
* Being honest and trustworthy in all I do
* Only accepting and undertaking work which I have the necessary Knowledge, skills and experience to do
* following professional standards and best practice guidance provided by the RICS
* Complying with the rules of conduct
* Not taking advantage of others
Conduct rules, ethics and professionalism
What is the difference between ethics and integrity?
Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles and doing the right thing. Ethics is more external (rules, regulations, code of conduct), whereas integrity is more internal (the individuals decide whether they will uphold the ethics of an organisation).
Conduct rules, ethics and professionalism
Can you tell me when a firm is required to register for regulation?
- 50% of principals are MRICS
- Provide Surveying Services to the public
- Operate in regulated area A (United Kingdom)
Conduct rules, ethics and professionalism
What are the CPD requirements for Chartered Surveyors?
20 Hours per year, 10 of which must be formal
Conduct rules, ethics and professionalism
How will you go about selecting CPD subjects over the next 12 months?
I will look at what I have studied and worked on in the past 12 months, Identify any gaps and select CPD based on those gaps. Additionally I will select CPD to keep me up to date with the latest technologies and practices that may arise.
Conduct rules, ethics and professionalism
Have you ever been offered a gift by a contractor or a client?
What did/would you do?
While working on the Lancer square project, a sub-contractor involved in a package tender offered me tickets to a football game. I considered this inappropriate as there would be an actual or perceived risk of my judgement as a professional being compromised. I therefore declined to accept this offer to comply with rule 1 of the Rules of Conduct.
Conduct rules, ethics and professionalism
Can you give me an example where you have had to deal with a conflict of interest?
I am unable to give an example at this time unfortunately, however while working on the Lancer Sq project a subcontractor involved in a tender offered me tickets to a football game while the process was running. I declined this as this would have been a conflict of interest and my professional judgement would have been percieved to have been compromised.
Construction Technology and Environmental Services
- What are the building regulations?
The Building regulations are a set of standards for the design and constriction of buildings, ensuring health and safety for people, including those with disabilities and conservation of fuel and power.
Building Regulations set standards for the design and construction of buildings to ensure the safety and health for people, including those with disabilities in or about those buildings and to help conserve fuel and power.
Construction Technology and Environmental Services
- What are the approved documents?
The approved documents set out guidance on how to meet the requirements set out in the building regulations
Construction Technology and Environmental Services
Something re Nike new construction tech used?
Spiralite mechanical ducting - reduced weight, push to fit system. No lagging required. Saved time and cost vs traditional
Quantification and Costing
What is benchmarking, and how do you go about benchmarking your project ?
Benchmarking in construction is the process of collecting and comparing data, usually with regard to cost in order to set a standard to measure against.
I would go about benchmarking my project by selecting a number of similar projects, adjusting for time and location and comparing the overall cost / m2 and the cost per element. In a cost estimate, this can identify if the budget is sufficient. It can also identify if tenders are too high.
Quantification and Costing
What is NRM 1 and when is it used?
Order of cost estimating and cost planning for capital building works
Quantification and Costing
What would you do if you are asked to price something using first rate principles?
I would build it up from the materials, labour, plant and on-costs on an area basis.
I recently did this on Cisco One-London; for the feature wall finishes, I worked out the material supply cost, the labour to install, and then added on the subcontract preliminaries and OHP.
Quantification and Costing
Can you take me through the process of how you quantified, assessed and agreed a change ?
While working on RL milan I assessed a variation for change in door types in the cores. I quantified the omissions and additions. I then took the rates from the CSA to work up the total value for the variation.
I used this to agree the change value with the contractor.
Quantification and Costing
- How did you turn your pre tender estimate into a pricing document ? And what did you include ?
I took my pre-tender estimate and removed the rates and quantities. I added a section for each element for the contractor to add any additional items they felt were required.
I included notes that all line items should be priced, and those with 0 against would be deemed as included unless specifically stated as included. I stated that it was the contractors responsiblity to price the whole of the works in line with the drawings and add descriptions as necessary.
I included the project elements, broken down into the NRM1 structure with sections for variable costs, preliminaries, OHP, Daywork rates.
Quantification and Costing
- Can you advise how you went about assessing a change and advising the client on whether the proposed scope change provided value for money?
On a project I have been working on recently, the client asked for feature wall finishes. The architect provided me their proposal with a markup and a specification. They chose three products, corrugated aluminium, oak timber veneer and cork.
I quantified these by measuring off the plan and market tested these with the suppliers; adding on labour, plant, delivery and markup.
The cork finish came in at £80/m2, the aluminium at £250/m2 but the timber panelling at £400/m2. I advised of the overall cost increase (£450k) which would take the project over budget.
I advised that the cork and aluminium could be incorporated but the timber would have to be omitted or significantly reduced.
The client agreed that the timber panelling did not provide value for money.
Accounting principles and procedures
- What is a balance sheet statement?
The term balance sheet refers to a financial statement that reports a company’s assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity at a specific point in time.
Accounting principles and procedures
- How does the MACE business plan affect you and how do you implement this through your working life?
Mace business plan is for:
- 20% Year on year increase in profit margin
- 10% year on year reduction in carbon emissions
- 85% customer satisfaction by 2026
- Reducing clients carbon emissions by 700tns by 2026
I contribute through:
- Delivering my work to the best of my ability
- Delivering service excellence
- Looking to perform additional services for clients
- Cross selling other service lines
- Filling out time sheets
- making sure projects are appropriately resourced
- pushing sustainable measures where appropriate with clients
Data management
Who Polices the Data Protection Act?
The Information Commissioner’s Office
As the authority who is responsible for enforcing the Data Protection Act, the ICO has the ability to levy considerable penalties against organisations failing to comply with data protection.
Data management
Are you aware of GDPR , and what is it ?
What are the 7 main principles of GDPR?
General Data Protection Act - Key piece of legalisation in the UK and EU with regard to data protection. It aims to give people more control over their own personal data, who can hold it, and the purposes it will be used for.
The principles are:
1. Lawfulness, Fairness, and Transparency;
2. Purpose Limitation;
3. Data Minimisation;
4. Accuracy;
5. Storage Limitations;
6. Integrity and Confidentiality; and
7. Accountability.
Health & Safety
What are CDM regulations?
Construction, Design and Management Regulations 2015
Health & Safety
Whose responsibility is it to issue an F10?
Clients responsibility. This can be discharged to contractor.
Can you tell me about a renewable technology on one of your projects?
The energy hub scheme I worked on involved installing sustainable measures on houses of vulnerable people under government funding. This involved the installation of PV panels, Solar thermal systems and air source heat pumps.
Why do we want to measure carbon emissions?
Measuring is the first step in reduction. We need to understand what elements are producing the carbon so we can change, and offset if necessary.
Additionaly helps us to know if we are meeting targets such as 2050 targets.
Risk Management
Can you give me an example of a risk that you have then gone on to manage?
SCB Jersey - employer change.
Budget was tight, so employer change was a significant risk, especially as the clients internal standard kept changing throughout the project.
I managed this by implementing a strict change control process.
Ethics, Rules of Conduct
If successful, you will be on the QS and Construction pathway, what other pathways are you aware of?
Building Surveying
Building Control
Commercial Real Estate
Environmental Surveying
Land and resources
Arts and Antiques
Project management
Planning and development
Taxation Allowances
Property Finance and Investment
Health and Safety
What document does the RICS publish to do with Health and safety?
Surveying safely guide
Three pillars of conflict avoidance