Mobility Flashcards
What is mobility? “Hazards” of mobility same thing as effects of immobility. Give examples.
Being able to move about freely.
*Ice or fallen tree on highway is a hazard of the road.
How does age play a role in mobility?
*New infant totally dependent on someone else
*Elder-Everything slows down, atrophy-Muscle wasting away
Who is at risk for a mobility problem?
Anyone with anything that can impair their mobility
When performing a physical assessment, what finding will be seen with normal mobility functioning?
*Active range of motion
1. Pulling arm to body-adduction
2, Pulling arm away from body-Abduction
3. Hyperextension-pulling head back
4. Flexion-head toward chest
Ex. NG Tube-hyperextension-to look at back of throat, & flexion-Make sure tube is going into stomach
What diagnostic tests can be used to detect musculoskeletal disorders, briefly describe each?
-Assess musculoskeletal muscle pull when you first see physical therapists, Range of Motion, CT, ultrasound, MRI
-Severe muscle damage-Biopsy
What are the primary prevention strategies to reduce mobility problems?
-Keep them moving (Range of motion/Set goals)
*Measurable goal for surgery pt. who had surgery yesterday on knee (Arthroscopic surgery)
-Pt. will ambulate in hall 50 ft. by 7pm tonight. *Remember how to write a proper measurable goal
-Passive range of motion of pts. For pts. Who can’t move. -Assisted (pt. does part & someone helps them-I can do my hands but nurse with PT helps me)
Nursing interventions can be used for patients with mobility problems?
Discuss medications used in patients with mobility problems?
-Pain-Naproxen sodium or Aleve, Can’t over medicate but give medication to give before pt. goes to therapy to help with pain.
-Hot/cold therapy-Health care prescription
Discuss surgical and other therapies that can be used for mobility problems?
-Fall down steps & break femur (surgical intervention), or twist ankle
What is the morse fall scale & ranges.
Number for potential falls/accidents
-Higher the number the higher risk of fall
*History of fall-25, 0 -for no falls
*Secondary diagnosis-15 yes, 0 for no
*Intravenous therapy-0 or 20
*Gait/transferring 0, 10, or 20
*Ambulatory aids 0, 15, or 30
*Mental Status 0 or 15
What is the Braden Scale for?
Deals with tissue integrity. To tell skin breakdown and mobility of pt.
What is gross motor movement and fine motor movement?
-Gross motor movement-Big movement (Picking up cup or big ball) vs. fine motor movement-Moving fingers, picking up small object to place in area)
What is purposeful physical movement?
-Body has to have energy to move it, adequate muscle strength (can’t go any further), underlining skeletal stability (skeletal system intact & bones working where they are, joint movement (Shoulders & hands moving), & neuromuscular coordination (tells muscles what to do-CVA, Spinal cord injury)
What is immobility?
-Can’t move freely, or impaired walking
Ex. Like confined to bed or chair.
What is deconditioning?
-Immobility to body from laying down for a long time. (Athletes)
What is disuse syndrome?
Body systems not used properly. (Heart-muscle)-Person becomes immobile, permanent paralysis & it will affect how heart works
What is the mobility range?
Mobile and immobile