Human Growth Flashcards
Telegraphic speech
Early speech stage in which a child speaks like a telegram—”go car”—using mostly nouns and verbs.
Phonological memory
Ability to remember speech sounds briefly; an important skill in acquiring vocabulary
Speech errors in which children treat irregular forms of words as if they were regular
Fast mapping
The process by which children map a word onto an underlying concept after only one exposure
Coo and babbling
Beginning at 3 to 4 months, the stage of speech development in which the infant spontaneously utters various sounds at first unrelated to the household language.
One to one counting
Accounting principle that states that there must be one and only one number name for each object counted
Autobiographical memory
A special form of episodic memory, consisting of a person’s recollections of his or her life experiences
Complex emotions
Self-conscious or self-evaluative emotions that emerge in the second year and depend, in part, on cognitive development
Altrusic behavior
Behavior that benefits another individual at a cost to oneself
Gender stereotype
A preconceived notion about the attributes of, differences between, and proper roles for men and women in a culture
Gender labeling
By age 2 or 3, children understand that they are either boys or girls and label themselves accordingly
Howard Gardner
Devised theory of multiple intelligences
IQ quotient
Mental age/chronological age x 100
Crystallized intelligence
Our accumulated knowledge and verbal skills; tends to increase with age
Lewis Terman
Revised Binet’s IQ test and established norms for American children; tested group of young geniuses and followed in a longitudinal study that lasted beyond his own lifetime to show that high IQ does not necessarily lead to wonderful things in life
Alfred Binet
Pioneer in intelligence (IQ) tests, designed a test to identify slow learners in need of help-not applicable in the U.S. because it was too culture-bound (French)
Hierarchial view of intelligence
General intelligence, 8 broad categories of skill ranging from fluid intelligence to processing speed, then divided further
- integrate findings from decades of research
- critics say ignores cognitive research and it doesn’t capture what intelligence is
Child abuse
Deliberate action that is harmful to a child’s physical, emotional, or sexual well-being
Hostile aggression
Aggression stemming from feelings of anger and aimed at inflicting pain or injury
Physical development associated with puberty
Taller, heavier, and stronger
there are also changes in children’s sexual organs, brains, skin, hair, teeth and sweatiness
First ejaculation
A psychological disorder marked by the appearance by age 7 of one or more of three key symptoms: extreme inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity
Independent variable
The experimental factor that is manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied.
Dependent variables
The outcome factor; the variable that may change in response to manipulations of the independent variable.