Culture & Spirituality Flashcards
What is the primary focus?
*Patient needs & goals priority & family’s is next. Patient is primary focus.
What is the last sense that leaves the body?
What are things that can be asked if a pt. doesn’t have any cultural/spirituality?
*What’s your religion, Food (Pork), would you accept any blood products (Jehovah witness doesn’t receive it), hygiene (bathing everyday/deodorant, family member bathes them, or males can only bathes male)
*Nurse accommodates if all possible.
What can you do if you don’t want somebody else’s blood when needed?
*You can donate your own blood if surgery is later on & you don’t want anybody else’s blood.
What if a patient wants their medicine doctor?
*Medicine man coming & (treats whatever the patient has going on)
*Nurse seeks information & listens (Like they want to put a fire in receptable-It’s a no-Explain they can’t do it /concern for patient & other patient safety & go up chain of command when they still want to set a fire.)
What does culture mean?
A pattern of shared attitudes, beliefs, self-definitions, norms, roles, and values that can occur among those who speak a particular language or live in a defined geographical region.
What does ethnicity mean?
*A term that refers to a common ancestry that leads to shared values and beliefs. It is transmitted over generations by the family and community.
Types of cultural norms accepted by groups of people?
*Cultures have different beliefs about illness (Some don’t believe in using medication-non-western areas/Western areas use different medications-Polypharmacy)
*Some may believe that if you’re a sick that is a curse. *Massage is not a medicine & works.
What does hope mean?
Looking forward to something.
What does taboo mean?
*Within a culture something they believe is forbidden- (Sex, social media, mental illnesses (Depression, Bipolar & ADHD-Males treated worse than females), HIV/AIDS, & suicide).
Culture is constantly changing and what are some catastrophic events?
Hurricane Katrina & floods
What is religiosity?
Organized group of people with beliefs/Spirituality-applies to oneself.
What is Healthy People 2030?
*Global health objective to receive optimal health (Physical, social, spiritual health).
*Healthy People 2030 emphasizes the need to provide culturally competent healthcare services and to improve health literacy and health education among non-English-speaking populations.
What is culturally competent care means?
*Conveying acceptance of the patient’s health beliefs while sharing information, encouraging self-efficacy, and strengthening the patient’s coping resources.
*I must know where I stand (my beliefs are different from others).
*Treat everyone the same!
What is empathy?
*Understanding how they feel & you have experienced it. *Sympathy-I understand and can sympathize with you (Like lo sing a father)-You haven’t experienced what is going on.
What is cultural desire?
An interest and intent to understand people who are different from oneself. A personal choice! Become involved in it (read, travel to place).
What is self-awareness?
Involves identifying and understanding one’s own cultural identity (Your own biases). Being aware & dealing with it professionally.
What are language barriers and how do a nurse deal with them?
Pt. speaks another language & from different area.
* Find an interpreter (Google translator). Do best way you can if can’t get one use family-Maybe they speak English. Interpreter translates language.
Look over Cultural Assessment Box 42.2 (Communication & Daily Preferences) &
-Language spoken at home & used to read and write
-Ways to communicate with family, & how to address everyone & who should answer the questions
-Ways respect are shown
-Eye contact (every culture doesn’t deal with eye contact)
*Asians disrespectful with eye contact/Chinese-Family members does hygiene)
-Interpersonal space (Getting in personal space)
*Daily preferences/practices, forbidden foods
-Beliefs about food that pertain to health & illness
-Spiritual/religious beliefs
-Special rituals
Box 5.1 Attributes of Spirituality
Spirituality is universal.
*Illness impacts spirituality.
*Patient and/or family must be willing to share and act on spiritual beliefs.
*Spiritual beliefs and practices are impacted by family and culture.
*Nurses must be willing to assess and integrate patient beliefs into care.
*Nurses must be willing to consult with/refer to appropriate spiritual experts.
*Community-based religious organizations can provide spiritual support/resources.
What is Spirituality?
*Spirituality is expressed through beliefs, values, traditions, and practices.
*Illness impacts spirituality. Its ok to ask if they have a paster, or priest.
What is Religiosity?
*Is an external expression (public or private) in the form of practicing a belief or faith (whereas spirituality is an internalized spiritual identity or experience).
What does the nurse have to do with dealing with spirituality?
Nurse must listen & be accepting when dealing with someone else’s spirituality.
What is the Professional that Mandates to Provide Spiritual Care?
*The Joint Commission mandates that healthcare facilities provide spiritual care to every patient. *Regulatory Agency that mandates patient safety goals.
*You can’t be a spiritual person for every patient. Find right people.