Mo Ghrá-sa [theme] Flashcards
It is a love poe, but not an average poem
Is dán grá é ach ní gnáthdán grá char ar bith
She describes her partner
Deantar cur síos ar leannán atá ag an bhfile
The reader gives a physical description of the man
Tugtar cur síos dan leitheoir ar tréithe fisiciúil an fhir seo.
We are told he is not at all perfect
Deireat linn nach bhfuil sé foirfe in aon chor
She is mocking old love poems that give praise to people without any mention of their personality
Tá sí ag déanamh mogadh ar na seandánta grá a rinne ardmholadh ar tréithe fisiciúil an duine gan aon rud a rá faoin phearsantacht
not a romantic love we see in the poem
Ní grá rómánsúil atá le feiceal sa dán
She gives an honest description of her love
Deanann an file cur síos macánta ar an ngrá atá aici
Not an average love poem
Ní gnáthdán grá char ar bith
We are told
Deirtear linn
He is not at all perfect
Nach bhfuil sé foirfe un aon chor
She us mocking
Tá sí ag déanamh mogadh
Old love poems
Sceamdánta grá
The reader gives
Tugtar cur síos
Physical description of the man
Leitheoir ar treithe fisciúil an fhir seo