Mo Ghrá-sa (mothúcháin) Flashcards
The strongest emotion in the poem is love
An mothúcháin is laidre sa dán seo ná grá
Love the person because them, instead of being love with their appearance
Grá do dhuine msr dhuine, in ionad a bheith i gnrá lena thathúlacht ná lena chruth
She is honest about love
Tá sí macánta faoina grá
She mocks him because of his lack of beauty
Deanann sí mahadh air mar gheall ar easpa ailleachta
But she does it playfully
Ach deanann sí é seo ar bhealach an-sportúil
He looks after her well
Tugann sé aire mhaith di-rud
She enphasizes the good traits of her love
Cuirann sí béim ar dhea-thréithe a grá
She is an understanding kinda and loving woman
Is duine tuisceamach, cineálta agus grá é an fear seo
She doesnt like the style of old love poems
Ní thaitníonn na sceadánta grá leis an bhfuil
She wrote a poem to show a different mind set
Scríobh sí an dán seo chun mean eile a thaispéanf dan léitheoir
She doesnt care about his physical appearance
Is cuma léi faoi thréithe fisiciúil an fhir
Lack of beauty
Ar easpa ailleachta
Physical appearance
Threithe fisiciuil
The strongest
Is laidre