Mnemonics Flashcards
Osteogenic Imperfecta - Radiological features
Imperfect Fragile PPl BOW BACK
F- Fractures
P- Pseudotumours
P-Pencil thin cortices
B- Bowing deformities
W- Wormian bones
B- Biconcave, wedge, flat vertebra
A- Psuedoarthrothies
C- Cellular matrix = poor
K- Kyphoscoliosis
Congenital Achondroplasia - Radiological features
"small people BURN CHEMISTS" B- Bullet nose vertebra U- Champagne shaped pelvic inlet R- Rhizomelia - Prox > Distal N- small Nasal bones
C- Coxa magna (increased femoral head and neck) H- Horizontal sacrum E- Enlarged frontal bones M- Mushroom cap I- Interpedicular space is decreased= larger pedicles=stenosis S- Scalloping posterior of vertebra T- Trident hands S- Short ribs
Osteopetrosis - Radiological features
"Petrified ppl WASTE FAME" W- Widespread sclerosis A- Absent Trabeculae S- Spleno and hepatomegaly T- Thickened endplates E- Endobone
F- Fracture
A/M- Absent Medullary cavity
E- Erlenmeyer flask deformity
Sickle Cell Anaemia -Radiological features
“you’ll get SICK if you eat END up eating HIS CHEM CHOWS”
Sickle Cell Anaemia
H- H-vertebra or Fish shape (central necrosis of the endplate)
I- Infarction of bone
S-Soft Tissue swelling
C- Cortical thinning
H- “Hair-on-End”- hyperplastic marrow and trabeculae
E- Erlenmeyer flask deformity - Lack of diaphyseal constriction
M- Medullary cavity increased
C- Cardiomegaly H- "Honeycomb" trabecula O- Osteopenia W- Widen diploe S- Spleno+ hepatomegaly
Haemophilia -Radiological features
"the queen has a LOSS Of FAB PIMPS" L- Loss of joint space (asymmetric) O- Osteophytes S- Subchondral sclerosis S- Subchondral cysts
O- Osteopenia
F- Flattening of weight-bearing surfaces
A- Ankylosis
B- Bony misalignment
P- Pseudotumours
I- Increased intertrochanteric notch
M- Megacondyle
P- Poorly defined articular cortex
“AS BAD Women, Fight Cat Flies to MTL, where she Repairs and Heals becoming a woman”
Stage 1- Asymmetrical
B- Blurred epiphyseal plates
A- Asymmetrical femoral head size - smaller on the affected size
D- Apparent increase in Density of femoral epiphysis
W- Widening of the medial joint space
Stage 2- Fragmentation C- Crescent sign - "Curvilinear line" subchondral lucency F- Fragmentation of femoral head M- Mottled appearance T- Thickened trabecular L- Lack of formation
Stage 3- Repair
-Repairing Size and shape
Stage 4 - Healing
- Femoral head could be nearly normal
- May demonstrate flattening of articular surface esp superiorly
- Coxa magna (widening of femoral head and neck)
- Mushroom Cap
- Sagging Robe sign (intertrochenteric line)
What is the difference between sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia?
You can have CHEMCHOWS
C- Cortical thinning
H- “Hair-on-End”- hyperplastic marrow and trabeculae
E- Erlenmeyer flask deformity - Lack of diaphyseal constriction
M- Medullary cavity increased
C- Cardiomegaly H- "Honeycomb" trabecula O- Osteopenia W- Widen diploe S- Spleno+ hepatomegaly
** There is no H vertebrae or any signs of infarction in thalassaemia like there is in sickle cell.
Bronchiogenic Carcinoma - Radiographic Findings
A- Actelectasis = opacity areas of blocked air
P- Pancoast tumour
A- Altered size and shape of lobe
U- Unilateral hilar enelargement
S- Solitary mass - without calcification
E- Elevated hemi-diaphragm ipsilateral
Pneumonia- Radiographic Findings
C- Confluent airspace
E- Enlargement of lobar = oedema
F- Fissure bulge’s away from involved lobe
F- Focal sphericle consolidation
What happens to the mediastinum when there is an open pneumothorax?
- No deviation
What happens to the mediastinum when there is an Tension pneumothorax?
- Deviation away
What happens to the mediastinum when there is an Closed pneumothorax?
- Deviation toward
Pneumothorax- Radiological Findings
- Mediastinum shifts toward the affected side with large pneumothorax
- Tension pneumothorax results in complete collapse of the lung
- Hemi-diaphragm with depression or inverted
- Pnumothorax usually occurs at the apex or lateral to the ribcage but the air can collect medial and inferiorly.
- Sail sign
COPD/EMPHYSEMA - Radiological findings
"don't HVLA a BLIMP" H- Hyperinflation V- Verticle heart L- Hyperluceny A- Avascular B- Barrel Shape L- Low set flat diaphragm I- Pre and Infracardiac Lung M- Multiples blebs P- Promient Pulmonary arteries
Crohn’s Radiographic findings
"THAD" T- Transisent intussusception H- Hypersecretion of Fluid A- Abnormal muslce folds (thin thickened or absent) D- Dilated lumen (severe distal jejunum)
RA- Radiographic findings
JAPPS Left Right and Back J- Juxta articular, osteopenia A- Articular deformity P- Psuedocysts P- Periostitis S- Soft tissue swelling L- Loss of joint space R- Rat bite B- bilateral / symmertric
PSA - Radiographic findings
MASS Seriously NO Freaky Religion Please M-Mouse ears A- Asymmetrical S- Sausage S- Sero-negative NO- Osteopenia F- Fluffy Periostitis R- Ray Pattern (Heberdens, Bouchards, Haygarths) P- Pencil in cup
OA- Radiographic Findings
LOSS DAVIS L- Loss of joint space O- Osteophyte S- Subchondral sclerosis S- Subchondral cysts
D- Deformation A- Asymmetric V- Vaccum phenomenon I- Intra-articular loose bodies S- Subluxation
Ankylosing Spondylitis - Radiographic Findings
“MR GOAT 2 Brothers and 2 Sisters”
M- Marginal syndesmophytes
R- Rommanus lesion = shiny corner sign
G- Ghost sign
O- Osteoporosis
A- Ankylosis
T- Trolley tracks
B- Bamboo spine B- Bilateral/symmetrical S- star sign S- Schmorl's node S- Sclerosis
SALTR Harris
S- Slipped (type 1) A- Above (type 2) L- Lower (type 3) T- Through (type 4) R- Rammed (type 5)