Mnemonics Flashcards
my fabrite activity is ceramics. We made A small galaXy.
The spinning wheel made my fingers tingle and skin caked in red clay. I did it until the ceramic became dry. After it was finished, I loved it and peed a lil.
Enzyme: alpha-galactosidase A
Build up: Ceramide Trihexoside
X-linked recessive inheritence
Early: peripheral neuropathy, angiokeratoma, hypohidrosis
Late: cardiovascular disease, renal failure
oh my Gosh, he is such a big Gucci bro (in crying voice). There is nothing in his bones.
Gaucher’s disease (the most common)
Enzyme: Glucocerebrosidase
BUildup: Glucocerebroside.
Tissue paper cytoplasm*
Symptoms: Bone necrosis* adult hepatoslenomegaly, pancytopenia or thrombocytopenia
A gang of 6 small Jews lost their job at general Motors for eating an onion sunday with cherry on top which made them dumb, blind, deaf and paralyzed.
Tay Sach’s Disease
Enzyme: hexosaminidase A
Buildup: GM2 Ganglioside
SMALL* no hepatosplenomegaly-differentiates it from Nieman Pick.
*Cherry red macula!
Autosomal recessive, presents at birth: motor weakness, seizures, vision and hearing loss, intellectual disability and paralysis. Death within 4 yrs of age
Dilated neurons with lipid filled vacuoles in CNS. Lysosomes with onion skin.
Pick your big nose with your sphinger. Took out a foamy booger with a lil blood on top and a little bit of brain too!
Enzyme: Sphingomyelinase
Buildup: Sphingomyelin
also has cherry red macula (a, also in Ashikanze Jews
but BIG: hepatosplenomegaly.
Microcephaly, severe mental retardation, zebra bodies in inclusions
Foamy macrophages
Early death
Bro this glob of Krabbe meat is out of this world.
I’m ]ogleing it and its making me tingle with excitement
Krabbe Disease
Enzyme: beta Galactocerebrosidase
Buildup: galactocerebroside
Globoid Cell - glob of crab
Optic atrophy, death of oligodendrocytes, peripheral neuropathy.
X-marks the spot. I don’t care about you.
Hunter’s Disease
Enzyme : Iduronate sulfatase (L iduronate in Hurler)
Buildup: dermatan sulfate (scope is touching your skin)
- *X LINKED recessive ! (other is Fabrite)
- unlike Hurler, has no corneal clouding! (hunter needs to see.) Aggressive behavior.
1,2 buckle my shoe
3,4 kick down the door
5,6 pick up sticks
7-8 Keep it straight
S1,S2 - achilles
L3,L4 - patellar
C5-C6 - biceps,brachioradialis
C7,C8 -triceps
Down on all 4’s
Teat pore
Belly Butten
T10- belly button.
some say marry money but my brother says big brains matter most
Cranial nerves
- sensory
- sensory
- motor
- motor
- both
- motor
- both
- sensory
- both
- both
- motor
- motor
Must stay A-wake 2 dine .
Also cold air helps to stay awake so CET the AC to stay awake
2nd generation: nonsedating, do not cross the BBB
- DesloratADINE
- FexofenADINE (Allegra)
- LoraTADINE (Claritin)
- CETirizine (zyrtec)
1st gen: lipophilic- motion sickness, sleep aid
- diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
- clorpheniramine
- hydroxyzine
- promethazine
- dimehydrinate - (Dramamine)
Saying “Broca” vs saying “wernicke”
These two are opposites. So it comes down to which one is fluent (output intact) vs nonfluent (output fucked)
So Wernicke is much harder to say than Broca so Wernicke is fluent aphasia, Broca is non-fluent
argylL - robertsoN pupil
light-near dissociation
Pupils are small bilaterally and irregular
- pupils will not react to light!
- pupils WILL react to accommodation
associated with syphillus and diabetes
Uncle blows hemp and coke
Transtentorial Uncal herniation - clinical triad of
- blown pupil - CN3
- HEMiplegia - cerebral peduncles
- Coma - reticular formation - decreased consciousness
Don’t Eat Greasy Foods
Lateral to medial of deep cerebellar nuclei
Dentate, Emboliform, Globose, Fastigial
Dopamine 1 Receptor
D1R = DIRect pathway of Basal Ganglia
Dopamine always facilitates movement. Dopamine increase gabaergic output of the striatum onto the Gpi, disinhibition of the VL/VA thalamus
When you PARK your car it is at REST
Parkinsons has resting tremor in the distal appendages. Tremor is alleviated by intentional movement.
Parkinson TRAPS your body
Tremor (pill rolling at rest) Rigidity (cogwheel) Akinesia (or bradykinesia) Postural instability Shuffling gait
Catechol O methyl transferase inhibitors
Tolcapone - more potent, used in addition to levodopa/carbidopa (Sinemet) to increase plasma half life of levodopa.
Used for patients with late PD who have developed rest fluctuations.
- Tolcapone - potent, hepatotoxic**
- Entacapone - the more recommedned
Stalevo: levodopa, carbidopa, entacapone
Decerebrate - lesion below the midbrain, all limbs extend.
Decorticate - lesion above the midbrain, lower limbs extends, upper limb flexes
Decorticate is closer to the cortex
Decerebrate is close to the cerebellum
Where you are in space
Executive - cerebellum, this monitors ongoing movement. It receives the plans from the motor cortex via the pontine nuclei. Then it monitors the ongoing movement, compares it to the plan, goes through SCP to correct for movement. If mistakes were made you learn, go through ION back to the lateral cerebellum.
Gate - basal ganglia - it is tonically on, inhibiting voluntary movement so if you lose it, all movements are coming out.
Vestibular nuclei can tell where your head is in space.
Ethosuximide EFGHIJ
Side effects of Ethosuximide
Fatigue GI distress Headache Itching and urticaria) stevens-Johnson syndrome
Sux to have Silent Seizures
Ethosuximide is first line for absence seizures
- Thirst and water balance,
- Adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary - secretes hormones)
- Neurohypophysis (neuroendocrine cells project axons to posterior pituitary)
- Hunger
- Autonomic System
- Temperature
- Sexual urges
If you zap your lateral area you shrink laterally
Lateral area of hypothalamus associated with hunger, destruction > anorexia, failure to thrive, stimulated by ghrelin, inhibited by leptin.
Hypothalamus A/C
lateral preoptic nucleus is the heat loss center. Anterior = cooling, parasympathetics
You need sleep to be *charismatic
Suprachiasmatic nucleus is responsible for the circadian rhythm and sleep.
If you zap your ventromedial area of hypothalamus, you grow ventrally and medially
Ventromedial area is responsible for satiety, destruction of it, (craniopharyngioma for example) leads to hyperphagia. Stimulated by leptin.
If you zap your posterior hypothalamus you become a poikilotherm
cold blooded like a snake. Lesion to the anterior part can result in hyperthermia, lesion in the caudal part can result in hypothermia when environmental temp is low or Poikilothemia (because the anterior part fiber coursing through the posterior parts get lesioned also.
Subcortical structures
want to go into THUB?
Upper brainstem
Basal forebrain.
NTs of diffuse projections
the monoamines
Histamine - (Tuberomamillary) cell bodies in hypothalamus
Acetylcholine - Basal forebrain - Nucleus basalis of Meynert
Norepinephrine - Locus Coeruleus
Dopamine - VTA (especially projects to frontal lobe)
Serotonin - Raphe n.
-loss of these leads to confusion and drowsiness, not coma, ex. acetylcholine or histamine.
Alzheimer patients gallantly swim down the river
Are all anticholinesterases
Migraine: POUND
One day duration, Unilateral,
Hairy Gummy Broken Baby
Gum hyperplasia
Osteomalcia - vit D deficiency
Baby - pregnancy teratogen category D
No Thing Beats Trying Anal
PAM is 1 Horny Teen
any lesion above T1.
Names of beta blockers
A-M (heart specific) B1
N-Z (nonselective) (includes B2)
Snout and Spin
High Sensitivity means you are getting everyone who actually has a disease (true positive)/(true positive + FALSE NEGATIVE). There is very few false negatives. This means if you get a negative test you can be certain they don’t have it “ruling OUT”
High specificity means you are getting everyone who doesn’t have the disease (true negatives)/(true negative + FALSE POSITIVE). So false positive are really low, if you get a positive you can be pretty certain they have it. “ruling IN”
Somepeople BS nomeningitis HAve GENeric SAd and BAd lies
Common causes of acute bacterial meningitis
S. pneumo
Group B strep agalactae
Neisseria meningitis
Haemophilus influenzae type B
Gram negative enteroviruses
Staph Aureus (uncommon)
Bacillus anthracis
THE Mighty King Proposes to Oprah
Thiopental Midazolam Ketamine Propofol Opiods
Intravenous anesthetics
Don’t pick a horse that can’t eat
PICA - pick
occlusion leads to
hoarseness and dysphagia
ASA Cuts 12 Lemons
Medial medullary syndrome
- hypoglossal nucleus
- medial lemniscus
Uncal Herniation beats Papa
Uncal Herniation clinical triad
- Hemiplegia - **false localization, contralateral cerebral peduncle, so symptoms are on the same side
- Oculomotor: ipsilateral CN 3 signs
- PCA- contralateral hemianopsia with macular sparing
tri bisexual ben, oral pro
The Basal Ganglia is like the VALV of motor movement
VA: ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus
VL: ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus
adverse effects of lithium Low Thyroid (hypothyroidism) Heart (Ebstein anomaly) Insipidus (nephrogenic diabetes insipidus) Unwanted Movements (tremor)
symptoms of major depressive disorder
Besides depressed mood:
Sleep disturbance loss of Interest (anhedonia) Guilt or feelings of worthlessness Energy loss and fatigue Concentration problems Appetite/weight changes Psychomotor retardation or agitation Suicidal ideations
risk factors for suicide completion
Sex (male)
Age (young adult or elderly)
Previous attempt (highest risk factor) Ethanol or drug use
Rational thinking loss (psychosis) Sickness (medical illness)
Organized plan
No spouse or other social support Stated future intent
Parents Start Observing
Child Rearing is Working
Don’t Forget they’re still Learning
Mnemonic for anticholinergic effects
- red as a beet (flushing),
- dry as a bone (anhidrosis)
- hot as a hare (overheating secondary to anhidrosis),
- blind as a bat (blurry vision),
- mad as a hatter (hallucinations or de- lirium), and
- full as a flask (urinary retention).
myoCARDial oxygen consumption
MyoCARDial oxygen consumption (MVO2 is directly related to wall tension and increased by increased Contractility, Afterload, heart Rate and ventricular Diameter
Young Liver Synthesizes Blood
The organs that are responsible for hemoglobin production
Yolk sac (3-8 weeks)
Liver (6 weeks to birth)
Spleen (10-18 weeks)
Bone marrow (18 weeks to adult)
Alpha Always, Gamma Goes, Becomes Beta
Alpha subunit stays elevated and constant
Gamma subunit is higher than beta until birth, then beta is higher than gamma.
HbF - alpha2gamma2
Adult HbA - alpha2beta2.
HbF has a higher affinity for oxygen due to less avid binding of 2,3-BPG. This allows HbF to extract oxygen across the placenta from maternal hemoglobin (HbA). Left shift of HbF oxygen dissociation curve versus HbA is observed.
Huge Ladies Must Nurse
hypertension treatment in pregnant women
- hydralazine
- labetalol (nonselective alpha beta blocker)
- methyldopa
- nifedipine
Which antibiotics are contraindicatd in pregnancy?
ABCDE - drugs that induce long QT
- class I: procainamide, disopyramide, quinidine
- class III: sotalol, ibutilide, dofetilide, amiodarone
Anti-Biotics (macrolides, levofloxacin)
Anti “C”ychotics (haloperidol)
Anti- Depressant (TCAs)
Anti-Emetics (ondansetron)
myoCARDial oxygen consumption
heart Rate
Diameter of ventricle
What are the 5 P’s that result from acute limb ischemia
Pain (acute) Pulseless Paresthesia (the nerves are affected by blood supply - earliest sign) Paralysis Poikylothermia -cold
EMERGENCY - very narrow time window until necrosis. If nerve suffers permanent damage saving the muscle will be useless.
5 P’s for limb ischemia
Pain Pallor/Poikylothermia Pulselessness Paresthesia Paralysis
IF you have these five this is severe limb ischemia.
symptoms of infective endocarditis
Roth Spots - white spots on the retina circular surrounded hemorrhage
Osler - painful hemorrhagic nodules on fingers or toe pads
Murmur - usually mitral regurg, sometimes tricuspid.
Janeway lesions - nonpainful lesion, on on palm or sole
Nail-bed hemorrhage - splinter hemorrhages
Emboli - petechiae, cerebral complications (stroke, TIA)
Look at them blushing, I SHIP-PEM
Sulfa drugs - Sulfadiazine Hydralazine Isoniazid, Interferon alpha Procainemide Phenytoin Etanercept Methyl-dopa
I ate ten eggs at twelve
I (ivc) ate (8) ten (10) eggs (esophagus) at (aorta) twelve (12)
T8 ivc, right phrenic nerve
T10: esophagus, vagus
T12: aorta, thoracic duct, azygos vein
Common carotid at C4
Trachea bifourcates at T4
Abdominal aorta bifourcates at L4
MOIST - acquired risk factors of DVT
M - malignancy,
- Motherhood: progesterone induced venodilation and venous obstruction
- Myeloproliferative disorders (PCV; ET)
O - oral contraceptives, obesity: increased intrabdominal pressure, orthopedics
I - immobilization, inflammatory bowel disease, indwelling central line
S - surgery, syndrome (anti-phospholipid antibody and nephrotic (incredible protein loss of antithrombogenic agents)
T - trauma, tamoxifen, thrombosis (prior)
The four T’s (anterior mediastinum)
“ The FOUR T’s” of anterior mediastinum Thymoma Teratoma Thyroid Cancer “Terrible” Lymphoma
Cancers of mediastinum
Tom Dick And Very Nervous Harry:
Tom Dick And Very Nervous Harry: directly behind medial malleolus - from anterior to posterior, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, tibial artery, tibial nerve, flexor hallucis longus
ACID - types of hypersensitivity
“ACID”: type I - allergic anaphylaxis atopy, type II - antiBody, type III - immune Complex, type IV - Delayed
“GM makes classical cars”:
IgM is bound by antigen, then C1 can bind and activate the cascade, this is the classical pathway.
MHC I vs. II: T cell interaction The “=8” equation:
2x4=8, and 1x8=8.
MHC II goes with CD4.
MHC I goes with CD8.
Is blastomycosis
Blastomyces dermatitidis is a soil-inhabiting dimorphic fungus. • Central and southeastern United States • Forms – pulmonary blastomycosis • Usually abrupt onset illness • Vary radiographic presentation (lobar, diffuse) • Usually resolves spontaneously – disseminated blastomycosis – (rare) primary cutaneous form • Diagnosis – Antigen in urine or serum – BAL shows “Broad-Based Budding yeast”
L disease
V – VHL gene (autosomal dominant mutation)
H – Hemangioblastomas - retina, brain
L – Lots of catecholamines (pheochomocytoma)
Three letters in VHL – found on chromosome 3 and causes a three letter disease (renal cell carcinoma)
VHL is a tumor suppressor. Affected families carry one defective gene. The second gene is inactivated somatically. VHL is an AD inherited condition.
Microcytic TAILS
Thalassemia - globin problem
Anemia of ChronicDisease - iron is trapped in body
Iron deficiency
Lead poisoning (a subset with sideroblastic)
Sideroblastic anemia - protopophyrin ring
beta antagonist mnemonic
Selective antagonists mostly go from A to M (β1
with 1st half of alphabet)
Nonselective antagonists mostly go from N to Z
(β2 with 2nd half of alphabet)
Nonselective α- and β-antagonists have modiied
sufixes (instead of “-olol”) carvediol+ labetalol
eosinophils are from CHINA
Connective tissue diseases *Helminth infections Idiopathic Neoplasia (CML, Hodgkins) Allergies
Look like a fortune cookie
The TAILS of microcytic anemia
Thallassemia Anemia of Chronic disease Iron deficiency Lead poisoning Sideroblastic anemia
The 3 C’s of TCA toxicity
Also anticholinergic effects: dry mouth, urinary retention, blurred vision, drowsiness, hypotension
Treatment: IV sodium bicarbonate
Sodium bicarb alkalinizes the serum to favor the non-ionized form of tricyclic (which can’t interact with fast Na+ channels), increasing gradient for Na+ influx which attenuate effect of channel blockade. Treatment for the seizures are benzodiazepine
idiosyncratic hepatic failure
malignant hyperthermia
HALT said the hunter to his target
Causes of target cell
HbC disease
Liver disease
BALS (Li-fraumeni syndrome)
Adrenal gland
Malignancies at early age due to one allele mutation of p53.
Causes of DIC
STOP Making New Thrombi
- Sepsis
- Trauma
- Obstetrical complications (retained placenta, placental abruption)
- Pancreatitis (acute) hints: epigastric pain radiating to back, dilated common bile duct
- Malignancy (adenocarcinoma, APL)
- Nephrotic syndrome
- incompatible Transfusion reactions
Appropriate labs should be
- low platelet count
- low fibrinogen
- prolonged bleeding time
- prolonged PT/PTT
- high fibrin degradation products
- D-dimers
Nervous Arya met luke skywalker
Metachromatic leukodystrophy
Enzyme: arylsulfatase A
Accumulates: sulfatides
Late infantile onset - death occuring at 5-10 yrs
Motor symptoms, polyneuropathy and demyelination
Parkinson traps
Tremor - pill rolling, alleviates with movement
Rigidity - cogwheel rigidity of the extremities
Akinesia/bradykinesia - slowing of voluntary movements; expressionless face
P-postural instability
S - shuffling gait
Causes of high AG metabolic acidosis
-Methanol (metabolized to formic acid), -Uremia (phosphates, sulfates),
-DKA (ketoacids),
-Propylene glycol
(drug diluent metabolized to lactic acid),
-Lactic acidosis,
-Ethylene glycol (antifreeze metabolized to oxalic acid),
-Salicylates (late)
Standing Room Only
Where the branches of the trigeminal leave the skull
V1 - Superior orbital fissure
V2 - foramen Rotundum
V3 - foramen Ovale
Anterior and posterior pituitary hormones
6 Oxen Didn’t Die
1. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH): ACTH stimulates the adrenal glands to produce hormones.
2. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): FSH works with LH to ensure normal functioning of the ovaries and testes.
3. Growth hormone (GH): GH is essential in early years to maintaining a healthy body composition and for growth in children. In adults, it aids healthy bone and muscle mass and affects fat distribution.
4. Luteinizing hormone (LH): LH works with FSH to ensure normal functioning of the ovaries and testes.
5. Prolactin: Prolactin stimulates breast milk production.
6. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH): TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to produce hormones.
Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH): This hormone prompts the kidneys to increase water absorption in the blood.
Oxytocin: Oxytocin is involved in a variety of processes, such as contracting the uterus during childbirth and stimulating breast milk production.
Ala placed in urine cup produces heme
(ALAS)Aminolevulinic acid -(ALAD) Porphobilinogen > (hydroxymethylbilane synthase) Uroporphyrinogen > Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase) Coproporphyrinogen > Coproporphyrinogen oxidase) protoporphyrin (ferrochelatase) > heme
Causes of renal papillary necrosis POSTCARDS
Pyelonephritis Obstruction of the urogenital tract S -sickle cell disease T- TB C-chronic liver disease A - analgesics/ alcohol abuse r - renal transplant rejection D-diabetes mellitus S- systemic vasculitis
Serotonin; start sleep
Acetylcholine - REM sleep, erections
NE - low in REM, ratio is trigger for REM sleep
Dopamine - arousal and wakefulness - rise with waking
Hamartomas in CNS and skin Angiofibromas (adenoma sebacum) Mitral regurgitation Ash-leaf spots Rhabdomyoma (cardiac) Tuberous sclerosis autosomal dOminant Mental retardation Angiomyolipoma - renal Seizures, Shagreen patches
mnemonic WAGR syndrome
associated with
-Wilms Tumor, WT1 gene
- Aniridia - lack of iris
- Gu abnormalities - hypospadias - where the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis
- mental Retardation
Deletion of 11p13
mnemonic for causes of bladder cancer
Phenacetin (analgesic - long term use)
Smoking, Schistosoma haematobium
Aromatic Amines -(naphthylamine), Aristolochic acid
1st of all MEN love pancakes, boners, and boobs.
MEN1 mutation
- pancreatic endocrine neoplasms (insulinoma, gastrinoma, somatostatinoma, VIPomas)
- parathyroid hyperplasia (PTH, increase calcium and phosphorous)
- pituitary adenoma (most commonly prolactinoma - all the other ones but rarely TSH, LH, or FSH (negligible)
MOTEL PASS: neural crest derivatives
melanocytes Odontolasts Tracheal cartilage Enterochromaffin cells - ECL cells Laryngeal cartilage Parafollicular cells Adrenal medulla and All Ganglia Scwann cells Spiral membrane
IP3: Great Gains Through Adherent Oxen in Ancient History
GRH Gastrin TRH ADH Oxytocin ip3 Angiotensin 2 Histamine 1
Intracellular receptors PET CAT inside TV
Corticosteroids Aldosterone T3 T4 VitD
JAK grows PIGGLETS early for dinner plates
JAK-STAT (nonreceptor tyrosine kinase) Prolactin Immunomodulaters (cytokines, IL-2, IL-6, IFN) Growth Hormone G-CSF Erythropoietin Thrombopoietin
Early - erythorpoetin
Grows - growth hormone
Granny is a Creepy CRONE on the CobbleSTONE Road, ASC her
Underground Crypt
Crohns Disease: granulomas, creeping fat, coblestone mucosa, kidney stone, ASCA: anti-Saccharomyces cervisae antibodies
Underground Crypt: crypt abscesses in UC, fire doesn’t affect crypt, ulcers = blood,
Contraindicated antibiotics in pregnancy MCAT
Chloramphenicol: binds reversibly to the 50s ribosome, halts translation, empiric tx for meningitis in developing countries, ricketsia
The large, dumb, wheezing gargoyle hurled Lids of Heparin
Hurlers Corneal clouding L-iduronidase Heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate developmental delay, gargolyism - upturned nose, thick gums widespaced eyes airway obstruction hepatosplenomegaly
Valentines presents fat, tremoring lively gassy babies
Valproic acid - useful for focal, toninc clonic, abscence, JME. It increases sodium channel inactivation and decreases breakdown of GABA. GI distress most common side effect, along with fulminant hepatic necrosis, pancreatitis, neural tube defects, tremor, weight gain, teratogen, CYP450 inhbiitor