MMPs Flashcards
What can be used as a loading control for western blot and why?
Beta actin.
commonly chosen as a loading control due to its general expression across all eukaryotic cell types. The expression levels of this protein do not vary drastically due to cellular treatment, which is another reason the protein makes a suitable control.
What is the inhibitor of MMP? Which types inhibit which types of MMP?
1 - MMP2, 9, 13
2,3,4 - MT-MMP
When is MT-MMP expression the highest?
Embryogenesis ECM remodelling (wound healing, angiogenesis, cancer)
What do inactive proMMPs look like? How are they activated?
pro domain’s SH in cysteine binds with zinc in catalytic domain.
Zn2+ binding endopeptidase cleaves the pro domain
Where is proMMP cleaved?
in the pericellular environment
What are the substrate specific chacteristics in the secreted MMPs?
catalytic FN type II repeats
hemopexin domain
Characteristic of the catalytic domain in secreted MMPs?
FN type II repeats
FN type II is required for cleaving what?
elastins, gelatins, collagen IV,
Hemopexin is essential for cleaving what?
Whats the ratio of TIMP and MMP bind?
Explain the process of wound healing
- keratinocyte migration over basal lamina
- provisional matrix (fibrin, plasma protein) is removed
- fibroblast contracts the ECM to close the wound
Some ECM and non ECM molecules turned by MT1-MMP
- collagen I, II, III
- fibronectin
- laminin
- perlecan
- aggrecan
- syndecan 1 and 4
non ECM
- CD44
- Pro TNF alpha
Fibronect turnover is done by which MMP?
which Integrin is regulated by MT1-MMP for fibronectin turnover?
Which molecule’s shedding activity is linked to tumor progression? and which MMP is responsible for this?
syndecans 1 and 4