MKSAP HemeOnc I Flashcards
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura can be idiopathic, triggered by medications, or associated with other disorders, such as (6)
- CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia)
- lymphoma
- H pylori
(antiplatelet antibody testing is not recommended because of low sensitivity)
Patients who present with symptoms of mucocutaneous bleeding and a normal platelet count should be evaluated for acquired platelet dysfunction using the _____.
Platelet Function Analyzer-100.
_____ require bridging with parenteral anticoagulation, whereas apixaban and rivaroxaban can be used as monotherapy in the treatment of VTE.
Dabigatran and edoxaban
Patients with a PESI score of less than ___ are at low risk of death and may be managed in the outpatient setting with a non–vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant, such as apixaban or rivaroxaban.
low serum iron levels and total iron-binding capacity and elevated serum ferritin level
Inflammatory anemia (AoCD)
In patients with myelodysplastic syndrome requiring frequent transfusions, supplemental treatments to help decrease transfusion requirements, such as ____, should be used to improve quality of life and decrease transfusion-associated iron overload and alloimmunization.
lenalidomide (directly inducing tyrosine phosphorylation of CD28 on T cells leading to activation of downstream targets such as PI3K, GRB-2-OS, and NF-κb, thus partially overcoming CTLA4 Ig blockade and leading to T cell clonal proliferation.)
Hypereosinophilic syndrome is characterized by moderate eosinophilia and end-organ damage commonly involving the skin, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and heart; secondary causes of eosinophilia should be excluded. CHINA
The numerous neoplastic and nonneoplastic causes of eosinophilia can be recalled using the mnemonic CHINA (Collagen vascular disease, Helminthic infection, Idiopathic, Neoplasia, Allergy/Atopy/Asthma)
____ may trigger a transient aplastic crisis in patients with hereditary spherocytosis.
Acute viral infections; treated with observation, splenectomy only indicated chronic severe hemolytic anemia
In the presence of normal Doppler studies of the lower extremities, ____ is the initial lung imaging study to evaluate for pulmonary embolism in pregnant patients; D-dimer testing has no diagnostic role.
ventilation-perfusion lung scanning
Transferrin SATURATION less than ____ (or serum ferritin level less than ___) is consistent with iron deficiency anemia and should be treated with oral iron
15%; 15
What is transferrin?
Blood-plasma glycoprotein, which plays a central role in iron metabolism and is responsible for ferric-ion delivery. High transferrin means the liver is producing more of the protein to use all the iron available in the body. (i.e. Fe def anemia)
_____ should be used to reverse the effects of warfarin anticoagulation in patients experiencing severe bleeding and those requiring urgent surgery.
Four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate
4f-PCC should be avoided in patients with a history of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia because it contains residual heparin.
What is Idarucizumab?
Idarucizumab is a monoclonal antibody that binds the non–vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant dabigatran and causes a rapid reduction in available dabigatran in the body for up to 24 hours.