Mixology Flashcards
Created by mixing two or more ingredients together to create a new flavor that is greater than the sum of its parts. Short drink presented in a small glass.
Mixed drink
Combine liquor with a mixer such as water, fruit juice or carbonated sodas. Single flavor stands out. Tall drinks are presented in a highball glass. Usually served on the rocks.
Cocktail recipe ratio
Alcohol Sour ingredient (lemon juice, lime juice e, etc) Sweet ingredient (simple syrup, sugar, triple sec, etc)
A non-alcoholic drinks served alongside a shop or a strong drink.
A mixer or water served on the side generally meant to be sit after a straight shot of liquor.
the final all liquid ingredients added to a drink after the basic procedures performed. Due to the varying densities the lightest liquid will float on the top.
To make or mix drinks without using a measuring device.
A drink containing a reduced amount of liquor but the normal amount of mixer
To crush ingredients in order to squeeze out juice, oils and flavors.
A drink served without ice, water or other mixer.
On the rocks
A straight spirit served over ice in an old fashioned glass.
To moisten the outside rim of a glass with citrus and roll the rim in salt or sugar.
A drink served in a rocks glass with less than 5 ounces of fluid in total.
A drink served in an 8 to 16 oz highball glass
A peel of citrus fruit cut lengthwise and used as a garnish.
A drink shaken or stirred with ice and then strained and served without ice.
Mixing Methods
The build
The stir
The shake
The roll
The dry shake
The blend