Mixed Gas Flashcards
Normal operational Depth and exposure limit for SSD
300FSW :30
Repet Diving with Mixed gas wait times
12 hours before second dive, 18 hours after DECO dive
Break after 4 consecutive days diving
1 day
50/50 mix depth and percentage
90-40 FSW, 49-51% O/2
HEOX instrument accuracy
+- .5%
Same as bottom unless less than 16%02 then range 15-17%
Loss of HeO2 on the bottom
Shift to EGS and abort the dive
Shift to 50% and 50% at 90 feet
If EGS depletes prior to 90 feet shift to air
Exceeding five minutes when shifting to bottom next
Bottom time starts at five minute mark
Aborting a dive during decent
If at < 100 feet, Another dive may be performed and add the bottom times
If at > 100 feet, Repetitive diving is not allowed
Light headedness and dizzy on the bottom
Stop work
ventilate check O2 level tank n bank
no improvement shift to vent
no improvement consider EGS
Unconscious diver on bottom
Check breathing, tank and bank, O2 level
Buddy okay, vent affected diver, smell gas in standby hat
Not breathing reposition head
Abort to first stop at 30 feet, reassess
Bottom time exceeds table
Call EDU for advice
If no advice, use the :120 schedule for deepest depth attained
Do 30 minutes on 02 at 40 feet
Surface at 40 feet per min, do TT 6 with Max extensions
Loss of 50\50
Shift to air, correct problem
Shift back, time on air counts
Permanent Shift to air Shift to 02 @ 50 feet Do not exceed 16 minutes on 02 at 50 feet Travel to 40 feet surDO2 after 40' stop
Delay to first stop
Less then one minute ignore
Greater than one minute round to the next whole minute and to BT recompute T/S
Perform any missed deeper stops at divers current depth do not go deeper
Delay leaving stop greater than 90 feet
Less than one minute ignore
Greater than one minute delay time to bottom time
Pick new schedule at present or current stop
If delay occurs between stops restart current stop time at completion of delay
Ignore any missed stops or time deeper than delay occurred
Delay leaving stop less than 90 feet
Less than one minute if ignore
Less then five minutes resume Normal D schedule at completion of delay
Greater than five minutes between 90 feet and 70 feet shift to air
At the completion of delay shift back to 50\50
Add time on air to bottom time
Ignore any missed stops deeper
02 toxicity between 90 and 60 fsw CONVULSIVE
Shift to Air, Vent divers, unaffected first
After Tonic Colonic, decompress to 50 on Air
@ 50 switch to 50/50, decompress to 40fsw, and SURD
If not breathing, surface with standby @ 30FPM administer ACLS
Leave unaffected diver in water to decompress
02 toxicity between 90 and 60 fsw NON CONVULSIVE
Up 10FSW and shift to air
Vent divers, affected first
Complete missed stop time at shallower depth on Air
Switch back to 50/50 at next stop
02 Toxicity @ 50 to 40 Non Convulsive
Up 10 FSW and shift to air
Vent divers, affected first
stay on air for 2X the remaining 50 FSW and 40FSW time
Cant SUR D use Air or 02
-02 do :10 on air @ 30fsw swith to 02 complete schedule
-For Air, 3x remaining 02 time on Air @ each stop
-Alternatively, 3X remaining 02 time @ 30 FSW on Air, then shift to 02 @ 20 FSW for scheduled deco.
02 Toxicity @ 50 to 40 Convulsive
Shift to Air, vent divers, unaffected first
After tonic colonic phase
if 50/50 time remains @ 50fsw, 2X it on Air @ 50fsw
Sur D, add 40fsw time to first chamber period
If no 50/50 time remains @ 50FSW, SUR D add 40 Fsw time to First chamber period
Can’t Sur D, stay on Air, 2x 50/50 stops and 3x 02 stops
In water DCS > 30’
Call DMO
30 fsw drop 10fsw, stay on 50/50 for 1.5x the stop
-decompress to 40fsw, 1.5x each stop
-Switch to 02 @ 40FSW for :30 min, surface do TT6
02 Toxicity @ 30FSW to 20FSW NON Convulsive
Shift to AIR, Vent divers, Sur D
Can’t Sur D, occurs @ 30 FSW, up 10 FSW and shift
3x remaining 02 time on Air
Can’t Sur D, occurs @ 20FSW, stay at 20FSW and shift
3X remaining 02 time on Air
In water DCS > 30’
Call DMO
30 fsw drop 10fsw, stay on 50/50 for 1.5x the stop
-decompress to 40fsw, 1.5x each stop
-Switch to 02 @ 40FSW for :30 min, surface do TT6
02 Toxicity @ 30FSW to 20FSW NON Convulsive
Shift to AIR, Vent divers, Sur D
Can’t Sur D
Up 10’ @ 30, 3X 0/2 on air, 20’ stay 3X 02 on air
DCS during surface interval type I
Go to 50 FSW do neuro, Resolved, add :15 to 50 FSW period
Not resolved, TT5 if 2 or fewer periods, TT6 more than 2 periods
Exceed :05 surface interval
< :07 add half period to first period in chamber
> :07 go to 60fsw, TT5 for 2 or fewer periods due and TT6 for more than 2periods due.
Can’t clear, go to deepest depth possible, go on 02, attempt to compress to 30fsw, 2x the number of periods due at attainable depth, :60 on 02 :15 Air Break.
DCS during surface interval type I
Go to 50 FSW do neuro, Resolved, add :15 to 50 FSW period
Not resolved, TT5 if 2 or fewer periods, TT6 more than 2 periods
DCS during surface interval type II
Go to 60FSW for TT6
Loss of 02 in chamber
Temp, air is dead time
Perm, 3X for Air or 2X for 50/50
If @ 50fsw go to 40fsw, allocate .1 @40, .2 @30, .7 @20.
If @ 30FSW do .3, 20FSW .7
02 Toxicity in chamber
First sign off 02, wait :15 until symptoms subside.
Resume 02 at POI,
Second sign or first sign a convulsion, off 02, after all symptoms subside, up 10FSW at 1fpm.
Resume on 02 @ POI @ new Depth
Symptom, shift to air, 3x remaining 02 on air, .1 @40FSW, .2 @ 30FSW, .7 @ 20FSW or .3 @ 30FSW, .7 @ 20.