Mix Flashcards
Q. What’s the maximum dosage of acetaminophen for ptn who weighs 70 Kg in 24 hours?
A. Name the 4 spondyloarthropathies that are ass. With Hla B27 ?
Ankylosing spondylitis/ reactive arthritis/ psoriatic arthritis/ Reiter’s syndrome
Q. Is tumor necrosis factor @ is pro-inflammatory cytokines or anti-inflammatory cytokines?
TNF @ Is pro inflammatory / the anti-inflammatory cytokines are IL4, IL10
A. What’s the medication used to inhibit TNF@ as in treatment of RA?
Q……….. syndrome has a strong ass. With HLA B27?
Reiter’s syndrome
A. Anticentrometric Antibody is a marker for……..?
CREST ( form of scleroderma )
N- Polyarticular symmetric involvement is seen in…….? 4
- Polyarticular symmetric involvement is seen in:
1. Rheumatoid arthritis
2. SLE
3. Parvovirus B19
4. Hepatitis B
N- Monoarticular arthritis …..?
- Osteoarthritis
- Crystal-induced arthritis ( gout, pseudogout)
- Septic arthritis ( gonococcus)
- Trauma
- Hemarthrosis
N- Migratory arthropathy seen in ……?
- Rheumatic fever
- Disseminated gonococcal infection
- Lyme disease
N- Oligoarticular asymmetric arthritis seen in……?
- Ankylosing spondylitis
2. Osteoarthritis involving small joint of upper extremities and rarely as a presentation of polyarticular gout
N. Anti centromere ANA is found in…..?
N. Anti sm ANA is found in?
SLE 30%
N. Anti histone ANA is found in….?
Drug induced lupus 95%
N. Anti RO ( SSA ) is found in…..?
Neonatal lupus & Sjögren
N. Anti LA ( SSB ) is found in……?
N. Anti RNP ANA is seen in ……?
Mixed connective tissue disease
N. Nuclear pattern of ANA is seen in……? While peripheral pattern is found in….?
Systemic sclerosis / peripheral = SLE
N. Anti ds DNA is found in?
SLE only 60%; indicator of disease activity of lupus nephritis
N- ANCAs are antibodies directed against certain proteins in the ………..of neutrophils
- Type c ( ANCA ) Is seen in >90% of …….. ………. ptn
- There is also type p (ANCA ) but not specific
Cytoplasm / Wegener granulomatosis
N. What’s Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
( lupus anticoagulant or anticardiolipin antibodies ) ?? And what’s the S&S ?
- Is a hypercoaguble state ass. With group of antibodies directed against phospholipids or cardiolipins
- ⬆️PTT
- False positive RPR OR VDRL
- Present with spontaneous abortion in healthy woman ( usually in two first-trimester)
- Thromboembolism, PE, DVT
N. In what disease you see bulls eye lesion?
Lyme disease
N. Biceps tendinopathy + subacromial bursitis + glenohumeral synovitis are features of …..?
Polymyalgia rheumatica
N. What’s the DD of posterior heel pain?
Calcaneal stress fracture / retrocalcaneal bursitis / Enthisitis from reactive arthritis / Achilles tendinopathy
N. Name the autoimmune arthritis? 3
Connective tissue disease ( RA, SLE, Sjögren, SS, inflammatory myositis ) / seronegative arthritis/ vasculitis
N. Name the diseases in spondyloarthrothides ? 4
IBD-related arthritis/ ankylosing spondylitis/ reactive arthritis/ psoriatic arthritis
Name the diseases ass. With U1 RNP antibody?
Mixed connective tissue disease