mistakes you made in a writing to look for next time! Flashcards
how do you write email?
what is the word for consern?
if saying for you, is it para ti or por ti?
para ti
what are the words for inside and outside?
dentro y fuera
how do you spell the incrimento (that not how) words for increase?
is tarde as in the afternoon femmine or masculine?
how would you say ‘you play vedio games’? pay atention to spelling.
juegas a los videojuegos
is despues is followed by a noun, waht must you put in?
e.g despue’s de la cena
how would you say your and you?
tu y tú
if you are using gerund, which is what is happning right in the now, what is the verb you use in front? what is the conjugation on the verb? and what is important to remember?
In front it is estar
er/ir iendo
ar- ando
the different types of estar have accents on them - you use this tense for climate change.
how do you say how, i know you know but there is a bit you miss off?
what is the word for words, spell it out to cheak it is correct?
what is the word for health and healthy?
how do you spell organic?
how do you say me and my?
me y mi
what is the usted form?
it is when you are addressing somone dircetly, but formally.
Imagine you are talking to the king, you might say ‘I will forfill you comand my king’. AKA You adress him as a thrid person.
To do this, instead to using tu form conjugations for this person we use ella or Ellas, or they if it is plural people.
Therefore, te goes to le, tu goes to su and tus goes to sus.
how do you say recently?
what is a change?
un cambio
how do you say week, spell it would and check?
what is the word you can use for stop instead of the conplicated one?
does entonces have an accent?
how would you say to increase and spell it out?
what is the verb to prohibit?
how would you say smart phones?
tele’fonos inteligentes
how do you conjugate obtener in the i present form?
obtengo,basically you conjugate the tener as you acutally would conjugate tener
what is the noun for sleep rather than the verb?
where does the accent go on ademas
the last a
how do ou spell out wellbeing?
where does the accent go on tambien
the e at the end
spell out quite?
where does the accent go on despues
the last e
what is an add?
In a blog, do you say you name after the title?
NO! You place it under the date as a username with the ww.fhfjrjrk.com of the blog matching.
When you are writing the data, what are the three components you need?
number DE Month
when you are doing imperative (Giving an command) how does it change is you are addressing a plural audience?
you add a d
for example leer
she/she/it must = lee
you all must = leed
you can never have an infinitive on it own unless it is has a es.
when you are saying ‘obterner un mejor nivle de..’ what is somthing you can replace the nivle with if it does not make sence?
idea- remeber the un become and una in this case
how would you say ‘of this seaosn’ when chatting about cloths?
de esta temporada
when you say primero que nada, it is wrong, what should you say insread?
En primer lugar
how would you say of most importance?
más que nada
learn you addressing titles, not prounouns.
e.g mío as mine and vuestro/a (s) as youralls
how do you spell moreover, make sure to pay attention to the spelling?
how would you say ‘so lietn to me and take my advise’? Thi sis a small usfull thing to have to make your writing more complex?
así escuchadme y seguid mis consejos (you all adress in imperative)
how do you wirte lets hope?
how do you write where if it is a question and how do you write it if it is not a question?
donde- not a question
dónde- it is a question
what is the ver to record?
what are songs?
las canciones
what gender is a station?
how do you spell Lonon?
when do you put a de after después?
when it is followed by a non or an adjective
how do you write out pop music and what is the music industry?
la música pop
la industria musical
what gender is calidad?
when do you use qué and when do you use cuál as a question word?
cuál with a verb
qué with a noun
what are musical intruments?
instrumentos mùsicales
where do you put the accent of difficult and where do you put the accent of ajala
difícil and ojalá
when do you use por?
through, by, along
in exchange for
period of time
when do you use para?
point in time/deadline
point of view
for whom somthing is intended.
what is ‘again’?
a nuevo
how do you spell a movie?
una película
what are sports people and what gender are they?
los deportistas
how do you spell a newspaper?
el periódico
when talking about in the morning, or in the evening, you do not put de la mañana, what do you put instead?
Por la mañana
with time, what is a mistake you make?
place two things before such as between and at, just place one.
what do you alway need to place after jugar?
The placing of the accent between technological devises and technology itself changes, outline this?
Los aparatos tecnológicos
la tecnología
there is a strnage conjugation for the past i prounon of the verb to shut of outline this?
Apagar- to turn off
apagó- he she it turned off
apagué- I tunred off.
what do you need to make sure of when writing instead of?
There are two ways of saying it
en lugar
en cambio
and en lugar can not be followed with a de is it is followed with a comma, de can never be the end.
how do you say regarding, it is a synomym of sobre?
acerca de
what is the verb to buidl and what do yu need to remeber about it?
it is a shoe where u becomes uy
how do you say the main and how do you make it masc and how do you malke it masc plural?
la principal
las principales
what is gothic litreture?
La literatura gótica.
what is an extended essay?
un ensayo extendido
how do you say ‘to open the box’?
abirir la caja
what is the verb to continue?
what is step by step?
paso a paso
Support: Noun: Apoyo, Verb: Apoyar
the verb to underestimate?
Subestimar - to underestimate
what are skills?
what is the verb to contibute?
I have a belife that…
tengo una creencia que
to over come the challanges?
para superar los desafíos-
what is a sedentary lifestyle?
un estilo de vida sedentario
after saying tengo el placer,, what do you place?
not a but de
what is the verb to create?
hwo would you discribe a IB student?
capaces y estudiantes del mundo
when you are saying these , you use estas, but when this is masculine what do you do?
esTOS not estes
what is a personal statement ?
una decloración personal
how would you say I sit?
me siento
what is your given description for a person?
A primera vista, aparece animada con el pelo rubio y ondulado y los ojos azules. Sin embargo, diría que su carácter es tranquilo y bastante perezoso.
what is the verb to drive, spell it out?
what is important to remember about poder?
it is a shoe verb
what is it iporant to remeber when you are wrting about the news?
it is always plural, las noticias
what is the verb to contain?
what is imporant to remeber about vacation?
it is always las vacaciones - so plural
you can not say the ib is called the IB, what do you call it?
el Bachillerato Internacional
what gender is extracurricular activites?
las actividades extraescolares
what are some good phrases to throw in?
así que hazme caso, - so listen to me
que yo sepa- as far as I know
en pocas palabras - in a few words
No creo que valga la pena- I dont think it is worth it.
Si miramos atentamente