Las comparativas Flashcards
if you were to say ‘ as (ADJ) as.. how would you say in spanish?
Tan (ADJ) como
how would you do as much + noun + as in spanish?
tanto/a +noun+ como (e.g I get as much help as Katie) Tnego tanta ayudar como Katie
how would you do ‘as many as’ in spanish?
tanto/as+noun+ como
how would you thye less than in spanish?
menos +noun+ que
how would you say I have less subjects than my brother?
tnego menos asignaturas que mi hermanos
how would you say I have more than?
más+noun/ADJ+ que
how would you say I have more teachers than my friends?
Tengo màs profesoreo que mis amigos
ho do you say I dont care?
de da(n) igual
what are envirmontal studies?
el conocimiento del medio
what is the word for neither
what is the word for pourpose?
what is a voice?
what isa diffrent wa of saying i think?
pienso que
how would you say ‘due to the fact that’
debido a que
how would you say ‘thanks to’?
gracias a
what is a challange?
para mejorar
how would you say it makes it difficult for you to think for yourself?
te impide pensar por ti mismo
what are the schools in Spain that teach in both English and spanish called and can you give conetx?
en Espana estan proliferado los colegios biligues donde la mitad de las asignaturas se imparten en Espanol y la otra mitad de las materias se ensenan en ingles.
De etsa forma se promofina el aprendizaje de una segunda legua
what are some arguments against unifrom?
no me deja expresar mi individualidata
cuesta mucho dinero comprar un uniform
los uniformes son sexistas
what are three diffrent ways of saying it has/there is ?
cuenta con or dispone de, HAy
what is a classroom?
unas aulas
what are the two diffrent ways of saying office?
el edspacho or una ofina.
what is the adjective for outdated?
how do you say several in spanish?
what are interactive white boards called?
pantalla interactiva
what are chairs?
what is a lap top?
what is a letter box?
un buzón