Mission Planning Flashcards
Elements of ADM diagram
current state
desired end state
frame the problem (obstacles to achieving end state)
develop an operational approach (arrow broad general actions)
develop the plan using MDMP
The value of planning (4 things)
understand and develop solutions to problems
anticipate events and adapt to changes
task org the force and prioritize efforts
direct, coordinate, and sychronize action
Ops process
commanders role UVDDLA
plan, prepare, execute and assess throughout
8 elements of combat power
movement and manuever- sync and converge all elements
intelligence- facilitate understanding of OE
fires- create and converge effects
sustainment- support and services
protection- preserve the force
command and control-sync and converge
information-informed decision making
leadership- missio command
what is planning and what is its purpose
the art and science of understanding a situation, envisioning a desired future, and determining how to make it happen
purpose is to translate the commanders visualization into a COA to solve a problem
10 elements of operational art
endstate and conditions
center of gravity
decisive points
lines of operation and line of effort
operational reach
phasing and transition
3 planning methodoligies
Army design methodology (ADM) which is conceptual. critical thinking and creative thinking
MDMP is an iterative planning method designed to understand a situation, develop a COA and produce an order.
troop leading procedures is a dynamic process used by small unit leaders to analyze, develop, plan, and prepare for an operation
Plans vs orders
plans are developed well in advance of execution, and become orders once directed for execution
4 planning pitfalls
forcasting and dictating to far out
planning too much detail
using the plan as a script for execution
rigid planning methods
4 steps of IPB
Define the OE
describe environmental effects on operations
evaluate the threat
determine threat COAs
importance of IPB
describe operations
IPB step 1
define OE
identifies charictaristics of the OE that may influence COAs and command decisions
IPB step 2
Define the OE by defini g AO, AOI, AI modified combine obstacle overlay MCOO and defineing the threat and 3rd party
IPB step 3
evaluate the threat. high value target list, capability statement
IPB step 4
Determine threat COA. As many as possible but Most likely and most dangerous ata minimum.
3 categories of terrain overlay
extremely restricted
Operational variable acronym
Civil considerations acronym
7 steps of mdmp
Reciept of mission
mission analysis
coa dev
coa analysis
coa comparison
coa approval
Orders production, dissemination and transition
Purpose of mission analysis
situational understanding
understand the problem
understand the OE
identify what must be done
identify purpose of operation