Mish Mash Of Tenses Flashcards
I shouldn’t have spent so much money.
Conditional, perfect past.
Non avrei dovuto spendere cosi tanti soldi.
They would have liked to study in Italy.
Conditional perf past
Avrebbero voluto studiare in italia.
I had forgotten.
Infers a timeline, so pluperfect
Avevo dimenticato
He had already eaten.
Infers a timeline, so pluperfect.
Aveva gia mangiato
I had never been there.
Infers a timeline, so pluperfect.
Non ci ero mai stata
I have never been there.
Perfect past.
Non ci sono mai stata
But I wanted to see Gabriella.
Imperfect past.
Ma volevo vedere Gabriella.
She had already been there once, 5 years ago.
timeline, so pluperfect.
C’era gia stata una volta , cinque anni fa.
When our are a parent.
Simple future.
Quando sarai un genitori
At the school where Barbara attended first grade
Alla scuola dove Barbara aveva frequentato la Prima elementare
You must have been very excited for her.
Perfect past?
Devi essere stata molto emozionato per lei
As a child i would go to school on a bike.
Imperfect past. Note, no need for conditional in perfect past.
Da bambina, andava a scuola in bicicletta.
Because they had already been there during the summer.
Perche c’erano gia stati durante l’estate.
I will prepare something for you.
Simple future.
Ti preparo qualcosa
I hadn’t eaten anything all day.
Plu. Hadn’t.
Non avevo mangiato niente tutto il giorno