3.05/6 Comparative & Superlative Adjectives Flashcards
Maria is sportier than Anna. (3 alternatives)
- Maria e piu sportiva di Anna
- Maria e tanto sportiva quanto Anna (or shorten to exclude “tanto”)
- Maria e cosi sportiva come Anna. (Or shorten to exclude “cosi).
Austria is smaller than Italy
L’Austria e piu piccolo del’Italia. (Note use of definite articles)
The cat is less loyal than the dog
Il gatto e meno fidele del cane. (note use of definite article)
Luca is more tall than me.
Luca e piu alto di me (if use “Di” then pronoun, need disjunctive pronoun)
I read more novels than poetry.
Leggo piu romanzi che poesia (use “che” rather than “Di” if its two things the subject does).
What is the single word meaning “better”. For eg:
This pizza is better than the first one.
Migliore. Questa pizza e migliore della prima.
What is the single word for worse (and what’s the two word equivalent).
Eg: This situation is worse than we thought.
Peggiore (instead of piu cattiva).
Questa situazione e peggiore di quanto pensassimo
What is the single word for bigger (and what’s the two word equiv with piu)
Eg: Alessia has two older sisters.
Maggiore (instead of piu grande).
Alessia ha due sorelle maggiori.
What is the one word meaning smaller (and what’s the two words with piu).
Eg: That dress is smaller than the other one.
Minore (instead of piu piccolo).
Eg. Quello vestito e minore dell’altro.
What is the one word for taller (and what’s the two words with piu).
Eg. That mountain is taller than the one to the east.
Eg. That man is taller than his brothers.
Questa montagna e superiore di quella a est.
Quell’uomo e piu alto dei suoi fratelli
What is the one word for shorter (and what’s the two words with piu).
Eg: That building is shorter.
Inferiore (piu basso).
Quell’edificio e inferiore.
But in Greece it is much hotter than in Switzerland.
Ma in Grecia fa molto piu caldo che in Svizzera.
I drink more coffee than tea.
I drink more coffee than you.
Bevo piu caffe di te (with an accent).
Bevo piu caffe di te. (No accent).
London is the biggest city in the UK.
London is the biggest in the UK (city is known).
Londra e la citta piu grande del Regno Unito (or, “la piu grande citta”).
Londra e la piu grande del Regno Unito.
These are the most famous characters in the series.
Questi sono i personaggi meno famosi della serie.
Pizza is the best dish in Italy.
Pizza e il piatto migliore d’Italia. (Or “il piatto piu buono”).
Luigi is the youngest of the brothers.
Luigi is the youngest amongst the brothers.
Luigi e il minore dei fratelli.
Luigi e il minore tra/fra i fratelli. (Must be at least 3 brothers!).
What is the word for: the absolute best.
Eg: This is the absolute best pasta I have ever had/eaten
Questa e la buonissima pasta che abbia mai mangiato. (Note subjunctive).
biggest. Best. optimal. tallest. oldest. smallest. worst. largest.
grandissimo. buonissimo. ottimo. altissimo. antichissimo. piccolissimo. cattivissimo larghissimo.
In this shop they give the biggest discounts.
In questo negozio fanno gli sconti migliori