Avere And Essere In Different Tenses Flashcards
I used to have a dog.
Avevo un cane.
Before i came to Melbourne, i used to have a dog.
Prima di venire a Melbourne, avevo avuto un cane.
Before coming to Italy, i had already learned some Italian.
Prima di venire in Italia avevo gia imparato un po di italiano.
I ought to have done that before I left.
Avrei dovuto farlo prima di partire.
I would have bought bread if i had known there was none.
Avrei comprato il pane se avessi sapevo che c’era niente
Lucia would have gone.
Lucia sarebbe andata.
The children would have woken.
I bambini sarebbero svelgiati
We would have gone to the concert yesterday.
Saremmo andati al concerto ieri.
I would have gone to Rome yesterday, but there was a train strike.
Sarei andata a Roma ieri, ma c’era uno sciopero dei treni.
We would have bought a new car but the prices were too high.
Avremmo compare una macchina nuova ma i prezzi erano troppi alti.
In my opinion it would have been better to go to Florence by train.
Secondo me, sarebbe stato meglio andare al Firenze in treno
You could have taken a walk last night instead of staying home.
Ieri sera avresti potuto fare un passegiata invece di stare a casa.
I wanted to take a trip this summer but infortunately i couldn’t.
Avrei voluto fare un viaggio quest’estate, ma purtroppo non ho potuto.
I had. I used to have. I had had. I will have. I will have had.
Ho avuto. Avevo. Avevo avuto. Arvo. Avro avuto.
I would have. I would have had.
Avrei. Avrei avuto.
I would have. I could have. I could have had.
Avrei. Avrei potuto. Avrei potuto avere.
I ought to have. I ought to have had.
Avrei dovuto. Avrei dovuto avere.
I will have been able. I will have had to..
Avro potuto. Avro dovuto.
I would have wanted…
Avrei voluto.
I am. I was. I used to be. I had been.
Sono. Sono stato. Ero. Ero stato.
I will be. I will have been.
Saro. Saro stato/a
I would be. I would have been.
Sarei. Sarei stato/a
I could have been.
Avrei potuto essere.
I ought to be. I ought to have been.
Sarei dovuto. Avrei dovuto essere.