Miscellaneous Topics On Prev Med And Public Health Flashcards
Symptoms not seen in acute cystitis?
Not partof the Tetralogy of Fallot?
Left ventricular hypertrophy
A determinant factor of a more-long term malnutrition?
Not a part of the criteria dor metabolic syndrome?
Total cholesterol
Positive Murphys sign?
Acute cholecystitis
Performed by palpating the subcostal area during inspiration. Positive if pain is elicited and the patient suddenly stops their inspiratory effort.
Sign of meningeal irritation, when there is pain on leg extension while on supine and with hips and knees flexed?
Sign of meningeal irritation, when passive forward flexion of the neck causes the patient to involuntarily raise the knees or hips in flexion
Brudzinki’s sign
Hallmarks of Acute Appendicitis? (3)
- Obturator sign
- Rovsings sign
- Psoas sign
Performed by passive internal rotation of the flexed right thigh with the patient supine position. Positive if with hypogastric pain on stretching the obturator internus muscle.
Obturator sign
Pain at the RLQ when palpatory pressure exerted at the LLQ.
Rovsing Sign
When a patient lies on the left side , examiner slowly extends right thigh stretching the iliopsoas muscle. Positive if extension produces pain.
Psoas sign
Evidence on cough medicine for reducing cough in the adult and children population.
No good evidence exists for or against the effectiveness of OTC cough medications on the reduction of cough.
ECG Components?
-P wave : represents atrial depolarization
-QRS: represents ventricular depolarization
-T wave : represents ventricular repolarization
ECG changes seen in hypokalemia? (4)
- Flattening and inversion of T waves
- Followed by QT interval prolongation
- Visible U wave
- Mild ST depression in more severe hypokalemia
Positive Moro reflex in a 4-day old infant.
- Leg extension
- Arm abduction
- Arm adduction
Involved in management of palpitations?
- Beta adrenergic blockers like propranolol for patients requiring pharmacotherapy
- Patients with structural cardiac problem should undergo echocardiography
- In cases no abnormality could be identified after thorough evaluation, health education, counseling and reassurance would be appropriate.
Diagnostic tests that can help in diagnosing complaint of a female elderly having a hard time holding her urine , with increasing severity of symptoms.
- Urinalysis
- Urine culture and sensitivity
- Papanicolaou smear
Type of incontinence occurring in this patient : Female elderly having a hard time holding her urine , with increasing severity of symptoms and noted occasional coughing and laughing out loud triggers of wetting underwear.
Urinary Stress Incontinence
Included in treatment of incontinence?
- Medications
- Kegel’s exercise
- Bladder training
Indication for urologic referral of incontinence among male patients?
Prostate evaluation
Lab tests that best diagnose Group A Beta Hemolytic Tonsillopharyngitis?
Strep throat culture
DOC for treating Group A Beta Hemolytic Tonsillopharyngitis?
Symptoms indicative of obstructive adenoids?
- Snoring
- Mouth breathing
- Airway obstruction
Main causes of acne?
- Excess oil
- Clogged hair follicles by oil or dead skin
- Bacteria
- Inflammation
Skin lesions of acne
- Whiteheads
- Blackheads
- Nodules
- Cysts
- Postules
- Papules
Health education that must be imparted to patient diagnosed with acne vulgaris to assure compliance to medications?
- Treatment will control acne not cure it.
- Acne not caused by dirt and that too frequent washing with hard soap will aggravate condition
- Long term treatment up to 6-8 weeks for medications to work
First line pharmacotherapy of acne vulgaris?
- Topical antibiotics
- Topical retinoids
- Topical dapsone
Cardiac causes of palpitations?
- Wolff-Parkinson - White Syndrome
- Sick sinus syndrome
- Atrial fibrillation
Device patients wear that records a continuous ECG, Usually for 24-72 hours that may detect heart palpitations not found in the regular ECG exams.
Holter monitor
Most common cause of severe emergency illness of the GIT in neonates?
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Fat, Female, Forty, Fertile
Premature uncontrolled death of cells in living tissues caused by external factors?
Disease with Microcytic hypochromic anemia?
- Thalassemia
- Anemia of chronic disease
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Lead poisoning
- Sideroblastic anemia
Cause of Wernicke- Korsakoff Syndrome
Thiamine deficiency
Thiamine deficiency
Retrograde amnesia
Anterograde amnesia
Korsakoff syndrome : lack of muscle coordination affecting posture, balance, tremors, drooping of eyelid.
Reflex Mediated Syncope?
- Vasovagal syncope
- Situational syncope
- Carotid sinus syncope
Scabies treatment?
- Permethrin 5% lotion from neck to toes including interdigital webs in adult patients
- Include the face and scalp in the treatment of infants and young children
- Active treatment of household contact
- Wash off permethrin lotion after 8-14 hours
Pain , erythema, plaque like edema with sharply defined margin to normal tissues?
Characteristics of Chest X-ray?
- Lung tissue composed mostly of air will allow radiation to pass thru , hence giving dark image.
- Bones and ribs may absorb radiation and thus appear white
- Image is usually taken from back to front giving PA projection of chest
Leptospirosis blood results .
- Leukocytosis: inc leukocytes
- Neutrophilia : inc neutrophil
- Thrombocytopenia : low platelet