miscellaneous Flashcards
Assassination attempts on Alex ii
1866 - shot at and missed
1880 - mine in dining room
1881 - killed by the people’s will
dates of Crimean war
1853 - 1856
how was military modernised under Alexander ii
Dmitry Milyutin reorganised the armed forces
conscription reduced better weapons less severe punishments
victory in russo-turkish war
how was modernisation held back under Alex iii
limited by need for internal passport
50 percent of peasants not producing surplus
redemption payments capped income
higher classes often used for debt not investment
culture russification bonus facts
further prohibitions on use of ukrainain lang in theatre and books
russians took top jobs in polish government
polish serfs given more generous policy of empancipation to secure loyalty to the russian state
Oppostition remaining after Alexander ii’s death
self education circles including the muscovite society of translation and publishers continued underground
continued contact with radicals in the west
1883 Plekhanov established empancipation of labour to demonstrate marxism was fully applicable to russia, need to co operate with bourgoise to accelerate capitalist stage.
when were the SRs and the SDs formed
SRs - 1901
SDs - 1896
How many did the SRs assassinate
2000 people including 2 ministers of internal affairs
how did the organisation of the SDs improve
Unable to make a major impact in the oct revolution
weakened by split in 1903
Bolsheviks developed a more organised and tightly knit organisation. evidence of more bolshevik activity in factories
How did the organisation of the SRs improve
initial uncoordinated assassinations
Yevno Azef double agent organised the murder of Plheve.
by 1906 held thier first congress
assassinated stolypin 1911 - seen as one of thier major “successes”
How did strength of rebellion and distrubances increase in marxist political parties
the om allowing creation of state duma allowed socialist ideas to be spread
SRs assassinated plheve stolypin and thier main method was agitation and terrorism
gov repression as a result of 1905 so only slightly improved
revenge attacks on anyone suspected of being anti - tsar
bonus facts on forgien investment 1892-1914
Witte encouraged more foriegn companies, engineers and experts to contribute commercial and technological expertise. 16 foriegn companies in 1888, 269 in 1900
new class of industrialists and buisness men emerged, especially in moscow.
how was lenin idealised
seizure of power emphasised, 1927 film october famously portrayed a heroic revolution
speeches eg April thesis
how did lenin differ from early russian marxists when taking power
more of a top down revolution, Trotsky described it as a “small operation” 25,000 - 30,000 actively invovled
weakest link theory - russia was not meant to be first it was meant to be britain or france
spread to other nations - switch to emphasis on “communism at home”
middle class not strong enough to carry out a revolution
What was the provisional government
under prince lvov
members who had favoured a constitutional monarchy - liberals, moderate socialists and kadets
intended to be provisional and hold elections for a constituent assembly
what was the petrograd soviet
dominated by mensheviks and SRs
claimed to be democratically elected although only 7 of first 42 committee members were workers themselves
what did the provisional government promise
basic civil liberties
right to organise trade unions and to strike
constituent assembly would be elected
problems with dual power in action
pg tried to discipline deserters and restore order in the towns and countryside
soviet encourgared workers to defy authority and excercise thier rights
PG wanted all out effort to win the war, while many had assumed end of Tsarist regime meant end to the war
workers strikes and desertions continued
peasant disturbances affected 34 districts in march 1937
increased to 325 in july
street riots in july - the july days
1917 prices over 700 percent of 1914 levels