Misc Flashcards
HYPERCALCEMIA does what to nerves?
Sx associated?
Hypercalcemia reduces gradient for sodium influx into nerve cells- so LESS DEPOLARIZATION of nerves Sx: fatigue cognitive impairment MUSCLE WEAKNESS/ TONE diminished reflexes
severe hypocalcemia causes coma and cardiac arrest
Hypocalcemia does what to nerves?
Sx associated?
increase sodium influx into cells so HYPEREXCITABILITY because cell gets easily depolarized
normal stimulation of e.g. skin or muscle will give a HYPER RESPONSE- so
muscle cramps and abdominal pain
Trousseau sign (blood pressure cuff cause finger spasming)
Chvostek sign (tap cheek (facial nerve)
severe hypocalcemia:
Tx of severe hypercalcemia?
what to give first and second
1st: saline and calcitonin
2nd: bisphosphonates
Tx of acute hypocalcemia
What is hypercalcemia induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus?
hypercalcemia causes afferent artery vasoconstriction, reduced GFR,
reduced GFR means reduced HCO3- reabsorption so high hco3- in blood
hypercalcemia also DISRUPTS NKCCl2 cotransporter- so less sodium reabsorbed= DIURESIS- polyuria
Young man intermittent Abdominal pain and proximal motor weakness, found to have elevated porphobillinogen, and Sx when on sulfa drugs –> Dx?
Acute intermittent porphyria- congenital- but Sx dont show unless hormonal changes, diet changes or certain medication use etc.