Misc Flashcards
COPS - 3977
Ciliary (3), Otic (9), Pterygopalatine (7), Submandibular (7)
What is a rolling and a sliding hernia?
Rolling - Gastroesophageal junction in place and gastric fundus herniates upwards
Sliding - Cardia of stomach herniates upwards into oesophagus
Where can an infection spread between the investing and visceral part of the pretracheal fascia?
inferiorly into the chest, causing infection of the anterior mediastinum.
Where can an infection Posterior to the prevertebral fascia spread?
Retropharyngeal space, down into mediastinal contents
At what spinal level do oyu palpate the carotid?
What spinal level does the carotid bifurcate? What about trachea and aorta?
Carotid - C4
Trachea - T4
Aorta - L4
What nerve controls the dilator pupillae?
Sympathetic nervous system
What nerve controls sphincter pupillae?
Ciliary ganglion
What is the most common non trauma cause of facial paralysis? Where does it occur? What happens?
- Most common non trauma cause is inflammation of the facial nerve near its exit from the cranium at the stylomastoid foramen:
- Inflammation causes edema which compresses the nerve at the intracranial facial canal.
- Results in affected area sagging
What structure does the facial nerve pass through? Why is this clinically relevant? Where can disease of this structure refer to?
- Nerve passes through the parotid gland and therefore vulnerable to injury during surgery on the gland or disease of the gland:
- Parotid gland disease can cause pain in the temporal region and auricle of the ear.
What are the green, orange, purple and red fascia in the pic?
Green - investing layer
Purple - Pretracheal layer
Orange - Prevertebral layer
Red - Carotid sheath
What is the platysma? Where is it found and what supplies it? What is its function?
- Broad thin sheet of muscle in the superficial cervical fascia.
- Supplied by the facial nerve
- Depresses the mandible and draws the corners of the mouth inferiorly.
Where can an infection spread:
a) between investing and muscular pretracheal
b) between investing and visceral pretracheal
c) between prevertebral and investing
a) cant spread beyond manubrium (superior part of sternum)
b) can spread into thoracic cavity anterior to pericardium
c) can spread laterally in the neck, may perforate fascial layer and enter retropharyngeal space resulting in a bulge in the pharynx and difficulty swallowing and speaking (dysphasia and dysphonia).
What is the borders of the anterior triangle of the neck?
Superiorly – Inferior border of the mandible (jawbone)
Laterally – Medial border of the sternocleidomastoid
Medially – Imaginary sagittal line down midline of body
What are the borders of the posterior triangle of the neck?
Anterior: Posterior border of the SCM.
Posterior: Anterior border of the trapezius muscle.
Inferior: Middle 1/3 of the clavicle.
What are the 4 types of cranial fractures? How does basal skull fracture present?
Depressed – Bone depresses inwards. Possible brain injury,
Linear – Break in bone traversing its full thickness. Most common.
Basal Skull – Affects base of the skull. Presents with bruising behind ears, known as ‘Battle’s sign’ or bruising around the eyes / orbits, known as Raccoon eye’s.
Diastatic – Fracture that occurs along a suture line causing a widening of the suture. Most often seen in children.
What are the features of cervical vertebrae?
- Triangular vertebral foramen
- Bifid spinous processes
- Transverse foramina
Through which transverse foramina does the vertebral artery travel?
What occurs in a hyperxtension / whiplash injury? Minor case, severe case, and worst case scenarios?
- Minor cases result in damage to the anterior longitudinal ligament of the spine
- More severe cases fractures to any cervical vertebrae can occur due to sudden compression by rapid deceleration.
- Worse case scenario is the dislocation or subluxation of the cervical vertebrae. Often happens at C2 level. Can lead to spinal cord injury, quadraplegia or death.
Why can injuries to scalp cause excessive bleeding?
- Walls of arteries bound tightly to underlying connective tissue of scalp, preventing constriction to limit blood loss.
- Numerous anastomoses formed by arteries which produce a densely vascularised area
What is the middle meningeal artery a branch of?
Maxillary artery
Through which transverse processes does the vertebral artery travel through?
C6 - 1
Label the branches of the thyrocervical trunk
What are the venous drainages of:
a) brain and meninges
b) scalp and face
c) neck
Brain and meninges – Dural venous sinuses
Scalp and face – Veins synonymous with arteries of the face and scalp. Drain into internal and external jugular veins
Neck – Anterior jugular veins
How does the IJV exit the skull?
Jugular foramen
Where is the cavernous sinus located?
Lateral aspect of sphenoid bone
What nerves are located in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus?
the oculomotor (III), trochlear (IV), ophthalmic (V1) and maxillary (V2) nerves
Which nodes are paired and unpaired?
- Paired - palatine tonsil, tubal tonsil
- Unpaired – pharyngeal (adenoid) tonsil, lingual tonsil
Where does pus accumulate in a retropharyngeal abscess? What happens in a retropharyngeal abscess?
In a retropharyngeal abscess, puss accumulates in space between prevertebral fascia and buccopharyngeal membrane. Can result in compression of pharynx à dysphagia and dysarthria (difficulty speaking).
What are the 3 extra classes of special cranial nerves? What do they do?
- Special visceral efferents – muscles derived from pharyngeal arches (CNV, VII, IX, X)
- Special somatic afferents – equilibration, hearing, and sight
- Special visceral afferents – taste
What are the names of the 12 cranial nerves?
I - Olfactory
II - Optic
III - Oculomotor
IV - Trochlear
V - Trigeminal
VI - Abducent (Abducens)
VII - Facial
VIII - Vestibulocochlear
IX - Glossopharyngeal
X - Vagus
XI - Spinal Accessory
XII - Hypoglossal
Oh Oh Oh To Touch And Feel Very Girly Vaginas So Heavenly
What is the function of the 12 cranial cranial nerves?
I - Sensory
II - Sensory
III - Motor
IV - Motor
V - Both
VI - Motor
VII - Both
VIII - Sensory
IX - Both
X - Both
XI - Motor
XII - Motor
Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Big Boobs Matter More
What are the 3 cervical sympathetic ganglia? What are they known as after synapsing? Where do they travel?
Superior, middle and inferior
After synapsing, known as internal and external carotid nerves. Travel alongside BVs to target tissues.
Where does the ciliary ganglion lie?
Orbital cavity
What causes Horner’s Syndrome? How does it manifest?
Interruption of a cervical sympathetic trunk
Features on ipsilateral side of head:
- Miosis - constriction of pupil
- Ptosis
- Vasodilation - Redness and increased temp of skin
- Anhydrosis - Absence of sweating.
What muscles are reponsible for protrusion and retraction of the mandible?
Lateral pterygoid muscle – protrusion
temporalis and digastric muscle – retraction
Why is an infection of the pterygoid region a danger to the eye?
pterygoid venous plexus connects to opthalmic and anterior facial veins. Pus inside pterygoid venous plexus raises pressure inside opthalmic veins or lead to cavernous sinus thrombosis, resulting in paralysis of extraocular muscles
What is an auricular haematoma? What does it result from? What can it result in?
Blood collects between cartilage and pericondrium overlying it
Usually results from trauma
Accumulation of blood disrupts vascular supply to cartilage of the pinna. If it is not drained, can result in cauliflower ear.