misc Flashcards
Cushings + Addisons Diagnosis:o
overnight dexamethasone OR 24hr urinary free cortisol. Addisons
→ short synacthen.
Acromegaly – Diagnosis
OGTT followed by GH conc.
Rash on buttocks
Dermatitis herpetiformis (coeliac dx).
AF with TIA →
Just TIA’s with no AF
Herpes encephalitis → temporal lobe calicification
subacute onset i.e. Several days.
Obese woman, papilledema/headach
Benign Intercanial Hypertention.
. Drug induced pneumonitis
methotrexate or amiodarone.
Chest discomfort and dysphagia
foreign travel, macpap rash/flu like illnes →
HIV acute.
Bullae on hands and fragule SKIN torn by minor trauma
porphyria cutanea tarda.
Splenectomy →
need pneumococcal vaccine AT LEAST 2 weeks pre-op and for life.
.Primary hrperparathyroidism →
high Ca, normal/low PO4, normal/high PTH (in