Minority Influence ; Consistency , Commitment, Flexibility Flashcards
What is minority influence?
This occurs when a smaller group (minority) influences the majority so that their views most likely become internalised (congruence between behaviour and internal beliefs)
What is an example of minority influence and what does minority influence contrast?
E.g social media influencers becoming more common in society
Minority influence contrasts to conformity which usually involves the minority conforming to the majority
What is synchronic consistency and what is diachronic consistency?
Synchronic - members all say the same thing which is influential.
Diachronic - where members are consistent over time, also influential.
What did Moscovici (1969) do to test for consistency?
He tested female ppts in his experiment, with there being 4 ppts and 2 confederates. He showed them different blue/green slides and asked them to publicly identify the colour of the slides.
What experimental design was Moscovici’s (1969) test?
Independent groups
What were the three conditions that Moscovici included for his (1969) test?
- Consistent minority group (2 conf., 4 ppts) with the confederates always saying the sides are green.
- Inconsistent minority group (2 conf. 4 ppts) with the confederates saying the slides were green 2/3 of the time.
- Control group, included 6 ppts and no confederates.
What was the result from the consistent minority group in Moscovici’s study?
This was the most influential, with the confederates causing the ppts to be influenced 8.42% of the time.
What was the result from the inconsistent minority group in Moscovici’s study?
They influenced ppts 1.25% of the time
What was the result from the control group in Moscovici’s study?
They got the colour wrong 0.25% of the trials.
What do the findings of Moscovici’s study suggest about consistency as a factor for minority influence?
Suggests consistent minorities are more influential in bringing about social change and that inconsistent minorities will have more of a negligible impact on the majority.
What did Wood et al. (1994) find that supports Moscovici’s findings?
Found in a meta-analysis of 100 similar studies that consistent minorities were more persuasive than inconsistent ones.
What is the main issue with Moscovici’s study and what does this prevent him from doing?
He only chose female students as he believed they’d be more familiar with colours than males, with several studies indicating women to have a better colour identification.
This means that there is some beta bias as the results can’t be generalised to males.
What is beta bias?
This is when the two genders are treated to be like the same but there is actually in fact a real difference
What is commitment as a factor for minority influence?
It is often easier to agree with a minority when they appear to be committed to the cause they believe in
What are the three things commitment shows?
Certainty, confidence, courage