Explanations for obedience: Agentic State/ Legitimacy of Authority Flashcards
what was milgram’s initial interest in studying obedience originally triggered by?
by Adolf Eichmann’s trial in 1961 for his crimes in overseeing the Nazi death camps, with his defence being he was only following orders.
What are the three hypothesis’ Milgram proposed regarding agentic state?
-a person may hurt someone if they’re obeyed by an authority figure
-Social Hierarchy hypothesis
-Social contract hypothesis
what is the agentic state?
this is when people feel they are an agent for someone else, typically an authority figure.
what is the autonomous state?
this is when a person feels as though they’re independent, and they are independent from the authority figure.
What did Milgram suggest (1974) about the agentic shift?
suggested people shift between the agentic state and autonomous state depending on the situation they are in
What is the social hierarchy hypothesis, proposed by milgram?
he believed that when people higher in this hierarchy they have greater power and authority, which triggers with those who are lower.
who is more likely to switch from the autonomous to agentic states in society?
Those who are lower down in the social hierarchy.
what are binding factors?
these describe why a person continues to act in an agentic state even though they don’t want t and express they want to stop (e.g in milgram’s experiment)
what are the two binding factors regarding obedience?
-shifting responsibility to the victim for volunteering
-shifting it to the authority figure as they are in charge
What is the ‘social contract’ hypothesis regarding the agentic state?
- a person may feel rude or look arrogant if they break this, therefore makes them ‘bind’ to the authority figure.
Give 2 examples of the ‘social contract’ hypothesis
- Mai Lai Massacre taking place during the Vietnam war
-Eichmann who masterminded the holocaust
What occurred in the Mai Lai massacre ad who led it ?
A platoon of soldiers killed predominantly children and elderly in a group of 500 innocents, as they were ordered to do so by William Calley, who used the defence ‘ i was obeying orders’ resulting to spending 6 months in jail.
Why did Staub (1989) disagree with the agentic state explanation and what did he find out?
disagreed because he proposed that the holocaust doctors were carrying out barbaric crimes due to carrying out increasingly evil acts over an extended period, with each bad thing becoming the new normal.
How does Staub’s findings link to Milgram’s study?
Links to the gradual steps taken by Milgram in convincing the ppts to ‘kill’ the learner.
What did Rank+ Jacobson (1977) find out regarding nurses and doctors?
Found that 16/18 nurses disobeyed the doctor, obviously an authority figure, when prescribing an excessive drug dose to a patient. They all remained autonomous.