Mineralogy Flashcards
When dense, black lignite coal takes on a high polish and is used for jewelry, it’s called by this name.
Tiger-eye quartz is formed by the alteration of crocidolite, this type of fire-resistant fibrous mineral.
Quartz, tridymite, cristobalite, coesite, and stishovite are the five crystalline forms, and opal an amorphous form, of a chemical compound best known by what single word?
What sulfate mineral, the second softest on the Mohs scale, is the main ingredient in most drywall?
Corundum, a mineral form of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) naturally transparent in its pure state, is perhaps best-known (and most desired) in its impure varieties. Give the name of either of the two primary varieties of corundum.
Ruby, Sapphire
What event creates the unusual glassy mineral called trinitite?
Named for Trinity, New Mexico, and sometimes called Alamagordo glass, trinitite is what you get when a nuclear explosion melts sand.